

荷兰格罗宁根大学(University of Groningen)创建于1614年,世界百强名校,是欧洲最古老的大学之一,该校在世界大学学术排名2017(ARWU)中位于全球第59位,在2017-2018年泰晤士(Times)世界大学排名中位于全球第83位。此次荷兰格罗宁根大学研学团计划在10天时间内走访了包括ApplySquare(申请方)、微软中国、北京银行等在大数据领域取得了卓越成绩的中国公司。






荷兰格罗宁根大学国际项目委员会外事官丽萨(Lisa van der Leij)和鲍勃(Bob Resink)表示, ApplySquare(申请方)在教育大数据领域的研究和应用成果令人惊叹,此行我们学到了很多,非常愉快,希望下次还能来到申请方交流学习。


On May 25th, the visiting group from University of Groningen in Netherland visited ApplySquare (申请方) to communicate with Dr. Gang Wang, founder and CEO of ApplySquare. Dr. Wang introduced the efforts and achievements of ApplySquare in the field of big data for education to the visiting group, and conducted a thorough discussion on the questions raised by teachers and students from University of Groningen.

Dr. Wang welcomed the visiting group from the University of Groningen to ApplySquare. He introduced the company profile, business structure, and other aspects of the company. ApplySquare is a data-driven company specializing in the field of education, facing global users, and dedicated to linking global education data. In Applysquare, 20% of the staff have a PhD degree and strong scientific research ability. The company has built a global leading, intellectual property based education data infrastructure. The infrustracture embodies numerous education databases with complete structure, large scale, and high quality.