May 28, 2020

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| | Coronavirus and Imperial

| | | | | In today's email we have updates the extension of Tier 4 student visas, staff volunteering guidance, plus tips for remote working and your wellbeing. We know you have questions and we are working to answer them as fast as we can. Please visit our updated COVID-19 webpages for further information. Campus status: Only essential research and operational activity is taking place across all our campuses. Please contact your Head of Department or equivalent for more information.

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Update from goverment |

During the government daily press conference this afternoon, Home Secretary Priti Patel announced that all international travellers will have to self-isolate for 14 days when they enter the UK, with exemptions for medical professionals. Travellers will be required to fill out an online form ahead of going away to provide details of their travel plans and accommodation, with the police empowered to fine people who do not abide by the self-isolation rules. Yesterday, the Health Secretary Matt Hancock outlined further stepsthe government is taking to extend testing capacity, including through an initial supply of 10 million antibody tests which will allow individuals to find out if they have already had coronavirus. He also referred to the rapid, lab-free coronavirus test being produced by DNANudge, which is led by an Imperial team of researchers.

Tier 4 student visas extended to July 2020 |

The government has extended expiring Tier 4 visas to July because of COVID-19\. International students on Tier 4 visas who are in the UK with leave expiring between 24 January 2020 and 31 July 2020 will have their visas extended to 31 July if they cannot leave the UK because of travel restrictions or self-isolation related to coronavirus (COVID-19). You can get more information from the International Student Support Team.

Staff volunteering guidance |

Guidance has been prepared in light of the large numbers of inspiring people across the College who are volunteering their time, expertise, ideas and projects to help the NHS and Public Health England. The College would like to help support and encourage those who wish to volunteer their time, particularly those who have been furloughed or are unable to find suitable alternative work. All volunteering opportunities will need to be considered by line managers. View the volunteering guidance.

Research pilots |

Our pilot research groups are learning the best ways to restart our most laboratory intensive research on campus. Professor Ricardo Martinez-Botas, from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, said: "Researchers have been present this week in the Turbo Lab, with a maximum of two people present at a time. It has been possible for one person to carry out most work, with their office-based buddy performing regular checks and providing hands-on support only when necessary.” You can find out more of about the pilots and the reflections of those taking part on our restarting research webpage. We will update you again soon with our plans for the next phase of our restart. Until then please continue to work from home unless you have heard from your Head of Department directly.

Remote public engagement opportunities |

You can still support and engage with our local community by volunteering your skills and expertise during COVID-19. You could support our older residents with technology, like teaching them how to access Facebook or Zoom, or inspire primary school children by telling them about your research in a mini Q&A; session. We also want your ideas for future Imperial Lates events and for any online activities we could plan for the Great Exhibition Road Festival. See how you could help

Imperial response to COVID-19 |

A new report suggests increased mobility in the United States as lockdown measures lift could result in a surge of coronavirus infections and potentially doubling COVID-19 deaths over the next two months. The findings highlight the need for additional measures to be in place as lockdown restrictions are eased. And a team of Imperial chemical engineers has sourced and developed respirator equipment to protect surgeons while they operate on coronavirus patients. The reusable personal protective equipment, known as powered air-purifying respirators (PAPRs), is a personal respirator that filters the air, to remove hazardous fine particles, such as those from COVID-19.

Virtual events |

Microsoft Teams is supported by the College and staff should consider using this software for any virtual events. There are two types of virtual event that can be run through Microsoft Teams: * Microsoft Teams Meetings can host up to 250 attendees, including externals, who can actively participate. An example of a physical equivalent would be a panel discussion or seminar. * Microsoft Live Events are an extension of Teams Meetings, and can host events for up to 20,000 internal and external attendees. These attendees can view content shared by the organisers, Live Events are the virtual equivalent of public lectures. The College has put together the following guidance and FAQs to support staff to run virtual events using Microsoft Teams.

Health and wellbeing advice |

From finding inner calm in a challenging time, to advice from inspirational speakers on overcoming adversity, Irish lifestyle magazine Image has pulled together a list of ‘5 podcasts to help your mental health while in self-isolation’. Read the full list of podcasts. More information for students is available on the Student Support Zone. More information for staff is available on the health and wellbeing webpages.

Remote working tips |

ICT’s Be Secure webpages have guidance on protecting your devices, protecting College and personal information, and protecting yourself online. To learn more, visit the Be Secure webpages. Staff and students can access the dedicated webpage on accessing ICT resources remotely. Guidance for staff on remote working is available on the HR webpage.

| | This email has been sent to all staff and students at Imperial College London.

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