Letters to UWA Students
May 28, 2020

Dear UWA Students We are near the end of Semester 1, exams loom but so does a well-earned semester break. I hope you all take time to reflect back on the astonishing experiences we’ve all gone through together. Your adaptability to online study has truly amazed your lecturers and I hope you realise you’ve succeeded in unique ways you didn’t imagine possible. You all have new skills – be very proud of this! Below are some exam related updates to share and a little bit of an update of how our Recovery Management Team is planning our safe return to campus. In short * UWA Examplify mock exams update * Semester 1 exam support * Special consideration for exams * Four phased return to campus UWA Examplify mock exams update A thank you to all who have engaged with the recent UWA Examplify Mock Exam process or communicated your preference to opt-out. To date, over 90% of students who were scheduled with an Examplify (ExamSoft) exam have completed the UWA Examplify Mock Exam. This is an incredible level of engagement with the new online exam process we’ve had to rapidly introduce to keep your study programs on track. I appreciate some of you have experienced difficulties with aspects of this new process and assure you we are working to address these issues and provide support as we head into the main exam round. We will be sharing information on this in the coming fortnight. Semester 1 exam support We know online exams will be a new experience for many of you and we have prepared resources to help. Our online exam support covers information and resources for all modes of online exams. Please do read and start preparing to give yourself the best opportunity. We are planning additional support for the exam period to improve our capacity to respond to any issues that may arise for you during this time - more information coming soon. Special consideration for exams As part of the University’s response to the challenges posed by COVID-19, all students were given the right to claim 14 days extension for the submission of any piece of assessment without the need to submit any evidence with the application for special consideration. This arrangement expires on the last day of Semester 1 which is May 29 (next Friday). Some students are claiming this extension for assessments due in weeks 11 or 12\. As a consequence, for units where this does occur, unit coordinators will not be able to return marked assessments to any students in those units until all students have submitted the assessment item. This means that in some units students may not receive detailed individual feedback before the final exam. However, the unit coordinator may be able to provide general feedback to all students before any scheduled exam in such units. Four phased return to campus The University’s Recovery Management Team, which includes representatives from across UWA, has been meeting regularly to establish core principles for returning to campus. These will guide everything we do, and they are as follows: 1. Safety first: Health and safety are our primary concern. We will be following all government public health guidelines, along with advice from our own safety team and academic experts. 2. Incremental return: We will plan for incremental return to campus so that a reduced number of people are back on campus at one time allowing us to manage our physical distancing obligations. 3. Choice: Semester 2 will also be available in an online mode, and even if we are able to safely recommence teaching on campus, all lectures, tutorials, exams and assessments will continue to run online for students who cannot get to campus due to travel restrictions. This will also safeguard our teaching and learning to ensure there is minimal disruption should we all need to return to online mode at short notice. 4. Timing: It is important to note that not all people will come back to campus at the same time. This means many of our face-to-face services will remain accessible to you online in Phase 2 and 3\. As campus facilities and services gradually re-open we will let you know. 5. Learning from experience: As the situation progresses, we will continue to learn from our own experience and those of others and adjust our plans accordingly. Our decisions will be informed by: * Advice from regulatory authorities * Monitoring and consideration of any COVID-19 outbreaks * Local operational considerations * Access to community services (healthcare, childcare, etc.) I wish you all the best for your last week of Semester 1 2020 and good luck for your exams! And remember, Dr Seuss said: “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more things that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” As always, please send us your comments and concerns – if you don’t tell us, we can’t improve. Best, Jane and Bre Professor Jane den Hollander AO Vice-Chancellor Bre Shanahan President UWA Student Guild Vice-Chancellery • M464, Perth WA 6009 Australia

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