Message to all students from Professor Ian Anderson AO, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student and University Experience)
May 21, 2020

Dear all, As we approach the half way mark of 2020 and you all busily prepare for end of semester assessments, I want to congratulate you on your resilience and tenacity in continuing to focus on your studies, and your futures, through what has been a period of immense disruption and uncertainty. Students all over Australia and all over the world have grappled with the impacts of the pandemic on your lives and your families and to see you still engaged with your studies at ANU is inspiring. And, as some of us prepare to return to campus to resume some resemblance of normal, I also want to acknowledge our students who have been living in our residential halls over the past few months and successfully limiting the spread of COVID-19 virus by sticking to the required protocols. There have been no cases of COVID-19 in any ANU residential hall to date. I thank you for your patience and for your commitment to our community's safety. You will have seen the Vice-Chancellor's blog last Friday about the graduated return to campus, and I know many of you have seen the stages of return on the website. Some students will begin returning to campus from June 2 to make use of the specialised facilities on campus, such as laboratories and studios. Subject to any community outbreaks, ANU will resume some teaching on campus from 27 July where CovidSafe arrangements can be adhered to, while continuing remote learning for students who are unable to return to campus. In Semester 2, 2020 we will have both on campus and remote learning and no student will be disadvantaged because of your location. You will receive more information from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) about Semester 2 teaching in coming weeks. We have updated the FAQs for students who wish to return to residential halls for Semester 2 and published the timelines for applications. Please read this information carefully before beginning your application. Regardless of when you return to campus, you will need to adhere to the CovidSafe Campus arrangements we have in place. This includes maintaining physical distancing, ensuring hand hygiene and cough etiquette, and regularly cleaning your work space and any surfaces you are using. More information on the CovidSafe Campus is available here. I encourage everyone to read the information on the website, and if you still have questions about returning to campus or anything else, please attend a community forum next week with the Vice-Chancellor and me. Next week's forums are open to staff also, so we are planning a student-only forum for a few weeks' time if you would prefer to wait until then. We'll provide that information in future On&OffCampus; editions. Remember: a return to campus does not mean a return to normal. We will be navigating our way through the new normal for some time still, and feedback and suggestions on how best to manage this are always welcome. Stay safe Ian

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