Will there be any face to face teaching? If so, how will you ensure that it will be carried out in a safe environment?
May 29, 2020

Yes. As mentioned above, we anticipate introducing a hybrid model of learning that means students would receive a mix of face-to-face teaching in smaller group classes or laboratories (not large lectures), as well as virtual teaching sessions, and we are putting in place a range of additional measures to ensure our campus is a safe and welcoming place to live and study. Socially distant study space, a teaching schedule that reduces the volume of students moving around the campus at any one-time, one-way walking routes and increased hygiene regimes are all measures we are planning to introduce. In addition, washable face coverings for every student will be distributed during welcome events, along with guidance on how they should be used. More detailed information on how we plan to ensure our campus is a safe environment for everyone, is included further on in this list of FAQs.

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