Will my grades be affected by COVID-19?
May 29, 2020

To ensure that you are not disadvantaged in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the University will make the following changes to its grading system:

  • Pass Non-Graded (PNG): All students will be given the option to choose whether to have any passing grade converted into the new Pass Non-Graded (PNG) grade unless the course has been exempted from this adjustment (see below). If students choose this option, their PNG grade will not count towards their grade point average (GPA) calculations. Students will be given this option following, rather than prior to, receiving their results.

Students can use the GPA calculator to help them decide whether to opt for a PNG.

PNG exceptions are:
Major research project courses in Honours, MPhil and Masters coursework programs and some undergraduate courses that already award an NGP have been exempted and will use Result Pending (RP) grades to manage student extensions if needed.

The following statement will be added to academic transcripts for students who request a PNG: “Pass Non-Graded* awarded during COVID-19 in 2020 is not included in the GPA calculation".
Once the form is made available, students from Quadmester/Term 1 will still be able to still seek a PNG grade.

  • Fails converted to Withdraw No Fails (WNF) : All Fail grades will be changed to WNF. A WNF grade does not count towards GPA calculations. The following statement will be added to academic transcripts for students who received a WNF due to a grading adjustment: “Withdraw No Fail* awarded during COVID-19 in 2020 was an approved academic adjustment”. The transcript text will not be applied to a student who drops a course or courses after census, where a system WNF will be applied.

Fail grades include: Withdraw Fail (WF), Fail No Submission (FNS) and Fail (F).
WNF* exceptions: A Fail grade under the Academic Honesty Policy will stand.

  • Results Pending (RP): RP can be utilised where components of courses are postponed to subsequent teaching periods.
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