All student email - 28 May 2020
May 28, 2020

To: UG and PGT students From: Subject: Covid-19 Update 28.05.2020 To be issued: Thursday 28 May 2020

Dear student,

This email contains important updates on Covid-19. Please take the time to read it carefully.

Latest decisions and updates from Durham University · Government update · Health and safety on campus · Personal Protective Equipment · Collection of belongings

Government update

Since our last update, the UK government advice remains unchanged. To help control the spread of coronavirus, please continue to; · stay at home as much as possible · work from home if you can · limit contact with other people · keep your distance if you go out (2 metres apart where possible) · wash your hands regularly

Do not leave home if you or anyone in your household has symptoms.

To find out more about the latest government advice, please visit

Yesterday the NHS published new information on its test and trace service, including what happens if you test positive for coronavirus (Covid-19) or have had close contact with someone who has tested positive.

To find out more about the test and trace service, please visit

Health and safety on campus

The health, safety and welfare of our University community remain at the centre of our decision making on how we adjust to the challenges Covid-19 presents.

For now, the majority of our buildings remain closed to minimise the risk of Covid-19 to our community, and in line with government guidance teaching is being delivered online and staff are working from home as far as is practical.

As Government guidance and requirements change, we want to ensure that suitable measures are in place to protect our staff, students and visitors, as well as the local community from the risks presented by Covid-19.

Our Estates and Facilities Directorate is leading on a phased opening of buildings within a Covid-19 context, ensuring that appropriate safety measures are in place, including; · Provision of sanitiser for hands and surfaces · One-way systems where required · Clear signage to remind us of the importance of personal hygiene and social distancing · Provision of physical barriers where social distancing may not be possible

As Government guidance changes and restrictions are eased, we will continue to review the recommendations and apply proportionate control measures. As guidance to support this is produced and agreed it will be made available on our Covid-19 webpages ( ).

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

PPE will be made available to members of the University Community for tasks where it is required, for example gloves will be provided for cleaning activities.

Individuals may choose to wear their own non-medical face-coverings whilst travelling to campus or in certain areas, however social distancing and hygiene measures remain the main control measures that need to be followed.

Collection of belongings

We will provide updated information on the collection of belongings via your College early next week. In the meantime, please read the FAQs on our Covid-19 webpage ( ) for more information.


As government restrictions continue, we know that these new ways of studying may be taking you outside your comfort zone. Our support and advice webpages ( ) provide useful guidance and resources on topics including finance and funding, health issues, and tailored support for international students.

Best wishes,

Claire O’Malley Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Global) All Covid-19 email updates issued to staff and students are available online at:

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