How will progression decisions be made on my undergraduate Honours programme? (Updated 8 May)
May 08, 2020

Boards of Examiners responsible for all programmes have been given guidance about how to take account of the impact of Covid-19 and the industrial action when making progression decisions. Boards have exceptionally been allowed to award more credit on aggregate to students than they normally would. This is where they award credit for courses which were failed or not completed based on your performance in other courses which were not affected by Covid-19 or industrial action.


  • Boards of Examiners can award up to 40 credits on aggregate for outside courses, i.e. courses which are not core to your programme, provided that you have passed (at 40% or more) at least 80 credits’ worth of courses, and achieved an average of at least 40% across all courses not affected by Covid-19 or industrial action. In some circumstances, Boards may award credit on aggregate for some core courses, but in most cases you will be asked to take some form of repeat assessment for failed core courses.

Honours years

  • Boards of Examiners can award up to 60 credits on aggregate for failed courses, provided you have achieved a pass (minimum 40%) in at least 60 credits’ worth of courses, and an average of at least 40% in all courses which were not affected by Covid-19 or industrial action.
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