Important Updates
May 29, 2020


Self-Quarantine for 14 Days, updated May 29, 2020

Useful Definitions: Isolation and quarantine help protect the public by preventing exposure to people who have or may have a contagious disease.

Isolation separates sick people with a contagious disease from people who are not sick.

Quarantine separates and restricts the movement of people who were potentially exposed to a contagious disease to see if they become sick.

Do not go to work or school during this 14-day period. Students should contact Dartmouth College Health Service (Dick's House). Dick's House will monitor all students who should be in self-quarantine or self-isolation.

Take these steps to monitor your health and practice physical distancing:

Take your temperature with a thermometer at least two times a day and monitor for fever. Also watch for cough or trouble breathing.

Watch for other symptoms such as fever, respiratory illness (cough, sore throat, runny nose, shortness of breath), mild flu-like illness (fatigue, chills, muscle aches) and/or loss of taste or smell.

Stay home and avoid contact with others. Do not go to work or school for this 14-day period. Discuss your work situation with your employer before returning to work.

Do not take public transportation, taxis, or ride-shares during the time you are practicing social distancing.

Do not have any visitors to your house during this time. If you must have visitors, tell them that you are under quarantine.

Out-of-State Quarantine for Those Returning to Campus and Visitors, May 29, 2020

COVID-19 is now widespread throughout the world and within the United States. In accordance with CDC and New Hampshire state guidance, individuals traveling to campus from outside New Hampshire must self-quarantine for a period of 14 days off-campus. This does not apply to individuals making same-day trips to New Hampshire for essential, authorized work on campus. All visitors to campus are subject to the same guidelines as members of the campus community. Given the risk of transmission and restrictions on travel, and to protect everyone's health, visitors who have not received specific authorization to be at Dartmouth should not be coming to campus.

Fall International Programs Canceled, May 29, 2020

Because of significant continued risk to participants' health and safety and severe restrictions to travel and mobility, Dartmouth has made the decision to cancel all structured fall term international programs for undergraduate and graduate and professional students. This includes language study abroad, foreign study programs, fall exchange programs, and all Dartmouth-supported leave-term programs such as internships and fellowships. Other Dartmouth-supported graduate and professional school international travel programs and clinical electives are canceled through November. Domestic clinical rotations through Geisel will proceed as planned. The graduate and professional school deans will be in touch with their students to outline these changes and answer related questions. In June, the Tuck School will announce additional details about travel planning. Note that Dartmouth's policy restricting Dartmouth-sponsored domestic travel remains unchanged. Students are encouraged to consider remote/virtual leave-term opportunities until travel can resume.

Changes to Undergraduate First-Year Trips, May 29, 2020

Dartmouth has announced that first-year trips will need to take a different form for the Class of 2024. Given existing public health uncertainties and restrictions, and the potential impact on emergency medical resources, we have decided that sending hundreds of students out on trips in August is not feasible this year. Although this decision is likely not a surprise to most, we know that it is still disappointing; however, it is a shift, and not a cancellation. Student trips directors have notified the '24s that they are committed to providing all first-year students with a shared trips experience this year and throughout their time at Dartmouth.

Laboratory-Based Research Ramp-Up, May 28, 2020

As announced on May 1, 2020, and in alignment with many of our peer institutions, Dartmouth is pursuing an incremental relaxation of the current limits on laboratory-based on-campus research. Phase 1 of that process began on May 26. In parallel, we are planning scenarios for a phased approach to increase on-campus activities for the libraries, human-subjects research, field work, and other academic areas. We must continue to keep the "density" of individuals within our facilities as low as possible. Campus access must be treated as a scarce resource, and priority must be given to those whose work cannot be performed remotely. Thus, without exception, if you can perform your work remotely, you must continue to do so. For those who can work only on campus, we will create scheduling and access plans that ensure safe distancing and hygiene. In this initial phase, each research group (i.e., principal investigator) will be allowed to identify one person to be on campus at a given time.

All research activity must comply with the requirements outlined in the Guidelines for Reopening Laboratory-Based Research: Phase 1. Numerous requirements apply, including New Hampshire state guidelines, as well as Dartmouth and Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center guidelines. Central to these requirements are practices designed to minimize the likelihood of viral transmission, including frequent hand washing, physical distancing, the use of face coverings and other personal protective equipment where necessary, and frequent surface disinfection, in both labs and common spaces.

Given the complexity and field-specific considerations of laboratory research, each laboratory will be required to develop a local plan that ensures safe operation and complies with the framework outlined in the Phase 1 guidelines. These plans include the development of a laboratory disinfection plan in consultation with lab members, identification of rooms, and appointment of a COVID-19 contact person. Case rates and disease outcomes will be monitored. If successful, Phase 1 will lay the groundwork for further incremental relaxation over the next several months. If case rates or outcomes worsen, stringent restrictions may be re-imposed to protect community health and safety.

Employee Benefits Updates During Covid-18, April 8, 2020

The Office of Human Resources has new information on interim changes to medical and prescription benefits, health savings accounts, and flexible spending accounts a result of COVID-19.

Information on the Hiring Freeze, April 4, 2020

The Office of Human Resources has information on the COVID-19 hiring freeze. The HR site includes the process for requesting recruitment and review of a position thought to be of critical need. It also has an FAQ on the hiring freeze.

Use of Face Coverings, April 4, 2020

The CDC recommends wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain, for example grocery stores and pharmacies, especially in areas of significant community-based transmission. The CDC says that recent studies have shown that a significant portion of individuals with coronavirus lack symptoms and even those who eventually develop symptoms can transmit the virus to others before showing symptoms. This means that the virus can spread between people interacting in close proximity—for example, speaking, coughing, or sneezing—even if those people are not exhibiting symptoms. See the CDC FAQs on wearing face coverings.

Summer Off-Campus and Travel Update, March 30, 2020

Dartmouth has made the decision to suspend all undergraduate international programs for the full summer term and all domestic summer term programs scheduled for the months of June and July. This includes all summer term study-abroad undergraduate programs, including language study abroad (LSA), foreign study programs (FSP), and exchange programs; and Dartmouth-supported leave-term programs such as internships, research grants, and fellowships. Students who are pursuing leave-term opportunities that can be fulfilled remotely or with an alternative set-up from their current location and requiring no air travel may request an exemption from this policy. This decision does not apply to programs run by the graduate and professional schools, and students will be notified by their respective school regarding decisions about such programs.

Vermont/New Hampshire Stay-at-Home Update, March 27, 2020

Recent emergency orders from N.H. Gov. Chris Sununu and Vermont Gov. Phil Scott restricting and minimizing activities outside of the home permit Dartmouth to continue its existing arrangements for core campus operations and remote teaching and working. The safety and wellbeing of our employees is our highest concern during this difficult time. Employees who have questions about their ability to work on campus should speak with their supervisor/manager about their concerns.

Empathy and Inclusion Update, March 24, 2020

During this difficult time, it is important to practice empathy and inclusion. No one is at a higher health risk because of their racial, ethnic, cultural, or other identity during the COVID-19 pandemic. Misinformation about COVID-19 can spark fear and hostility that hurts people and makes it difficult to stay healthy. We are stronger as a community when we stand together against discrimination and share information that we know to be factual. See the CDC website for suggestions on combating social stigma during this health crisis.

Spring Term Changes, Update, March 17, 2020

We have made the decision that all spring term classes, both undergraduate and graduate, will be conducted by remote learning for the full term. There will be no in-person option to attend classes on campus after May 1. This was a difficult decision that we know will be frustrating and disappointing for many of our students. Unfortunately, we are not alone. Across the country, many colleges and universities are taking similar steps in reducing the number of people on their campuses as a way to protect communities from the COVID-19 pandemic.

We recognize that many students will have questions related to this transition to a full remote learning term, including financial questions. A group of administrators is working on further guidance related to billing and financial aid issues and will be in touch on this topic soon.

Throughout the 10-week term the Dartmouth campus will remain open, faculty and staff⁠—including union employees—will be paid as usual, and graduate students will continue to receive their stipends.

At the recommendation of the Association of American Medical Colleges, the Geisel School of Medicine has suspended all clinical rotations, effective today. This includes clerkships and electives.

Tuck School of Business Spring Term, March 18, 2020

The Tuck School of Business is moving all MBA courses to remote-only learning for the entire spring term, with no option for students to attend class in person. To the extent possible, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities will also be delivered remotely during this time.


The Ivy League presidents announced their unanimous decision to cancel all spring athletics competition and practices for the remainder of the academic year. In light of the pandemic, and the growing number of schools that have moved classes online for the rest of their semesters, it is no longer feasible for these competitions and practices to continue. This is a heavy blow to our student-athletes, who have sacrificed and trained so hard in their respective sports, and we regret the impact of these circumstances. The league also stated that winter teams and student-athletes who have qualified for postseason play will be able to participate in league competitions. However, the NCAA announced that all winter and spring championships have been canceled. Read the NCAA announcement.

Social Distancing

Social distancing, also known as physical distancing, means:

Remaining away from settings where people are meeting

Trying to stay home and only go out for essentials reasons like food and medicine

Avoiding mass gatherings, and maintaining distance (approximately six feet) from others when possible

Remaining alert for respiratory symptoms (a cough or shortness of breath) and fever.

Practicing strict respiratory etiquette and hygiene. This includes covering your nose and mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing and washing hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap is not available.

Social contact is more important than ever during this stressful time. Be sure to stay connected with friends and family using digital technologies such as FaceTime, Skype, or Zoom; letter-writing; and phone calls.

If you have traveled from or transited through an area with a CDC Travel Health Notice Level 1 or 2, you are required to self-observe for 14 days. Monitor your health and practice social distancing.

If you feel feverish or develop a cough or shortness of breath, please seek health advice. Before going to a doctor's office or emergency room call ahead and tell the provider or office about your recent travel and symptoms. Students should contact Dartmouth College Health Service (Dick's House). Dick's House will monitor all students who should be in self-quarantine or self-isolation.

Teach Remotely

Guidelines for faculty on how to teach from anywhere can be found on Dartmouth's Teach Remotely website.

CDC Guidance to Higher Risk Individuals

Guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is encouraging older people (60 years of age or more) and those with chronic

conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, or lung disease to stay at home as much as possible. Early data suggests that older people are twice as likely to develop serious illness from the novel coronavirus. Individuals in these two groups should consider avoiding activities such as traveling by airplane, going to movie theaters, shopping in crowded areas, and attending religious services.

For more information, visit the CDC website.

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