Master of Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology (MBET) update | COVID-19 Information
May 28, 2020

This message was originally sent to incoming Master of Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology (MBET) students by the Conrad Graduate Office.

Congratulations on being invited to join the Master of Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology (MBET) class of 2020-2021. We are thrilled to have you join us in September and would like to share some information with you about the fall term.

You will have received an email from the University of Waterloo regarding the new fall term delivery model, including all large classes being online and some classes and supports being available in person. We are now sharing specific details to incoming students so you can plan for September with confidence.

The MBET program will be offering all its courses in person. Our class sizes are small and we currently believe that we can safely accommodate classes in rooms available to us. We are putting measures in place to keep everyone safe when they come to campus. This will include detailed physical distancing plans, hygiene measures and thorough cleaning regimes. We will continue to follow the advice and guidance of public health officials, as well as internal and external experts. It is possible that our plans may have to change based on new information. What won’t change is the unbelievable dedication of our faculty to deliver for our students, whatever our situation is. We will support the academic progress of every student who registers, no matter where you are or when you arrive to Waterloo for the fall term.

We know there is more information we need to share and will maintain ongoing communication with you in the coming months. We are dedicated to supporting you as you start this next step on your academic and professional journey.

Join us on June 2nd at 9-10am EST to meet your MBET Program Director, Chris Holt to have a conversation about your upcoming year and Q&A on the issues that matter to you. Register today to confirm your attendance and submit your questions. In the meantime, please visit our new student page for additional resources and information on the fall term.

As you prepare to join us, we sincerely hope that you and those important to you are keeping well.

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