Student and Staff Wellbeing
May 29, 2020

Please see the update message from the Newcastle University Academic Registrar below. Can I also remind you that if you have any queries or concerns, please contact us at

Dear Newcastle University London UG and PGT Students,

I am aware that many of you will be well into your second week of assessments now – I hope everything is going well.

In this week’s message I provide an initial indication of our plans for the new academic year which have recently been agreed by Senate, the University’s academic governing body. I don’t want to bombard you with lots of information today, but I wanted you to be amongst the first to be informed of the key decisions that have been made, particularly as we will be communicating our plans to our prospective students next week. The key messages can be found below and more detailed information will follow in weekly emails.

At the end of this message I also provide details of the latest update from the Home Office (UKVI).

Plans for the new academic year – Newcastle University campus

There is no doubt that life at university will be different for everyone in 2020-21 and our priority is to make sure that, for those of you who will be returning, your experience is enriching, exciting and above all, safe. For this reason, we are planning for continuing students to return to the Newcastle University campus on a phased basis from 5 October 2020 with the first day of teaching, Monday 19 October 2020.

To keep everyone safe, we will need to limit the number of people on campus, for the first semester at least. For this reason, we are preparing for all lecture material to be online for Semester one. In addition, our plan is for students to have some on-campus face-to-face teaching each week and we will increase student time on-campus as and when the restrictions on physical distancing are lifted and it is safe to do so.

If students are not in a position to return to the campus or the city, we will make sure that they are supported no matter where they are in the country or the world. All teaching and learning will also be offered online so if students do not feel safe coming onto campus, or are unable to do so, they will not miss out on the full learning experience.

Plans for the new academic year – Newcastle University London campus

The first day of teaching for Newcastle University London will be Monday 19 October 2020, which will be the same for the Newcastle campus. Please note that it has not yet been decided whether we will be able to offer any on-campus face-to-face teaching at our London campus in Semester one. A process is taking place to assess the Middlesex Street building in view of the comprehensive safety measures which the University will require to ensure student and staff safety. This assessment will also include consideration of specific London location issues such as transport and travel. However, it is worth saying that all teaching and learning will be offered online during Semester one (as will be the case for the Newcastle campus) for all Newcastle University London students.

I know you will have many more questions, and, we will update you weekly on the decisions that have been made about our plans and what they will mean for you and for your teaching and campus experience. We are working on separate plans for postgraduate research students and we will share these with you as soon as they are finalised.

Home Office (UKVI) Guidance

In response to the current Coronavirus pandemic, UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) has updated its guidance on alternative arrangements for those who require immigration permission to remain in the UK. The full guidance is available on the Gov.UK website.

The key update relates to visas with expiry dates that fall between 24th January and 31st July 2020.

If your visa expires between these dates and you cannot leave the UK because of travel restrictions or self-isolation related to COVID-19, your visa will be extended to 31st July 2020.

Please note that you must request an extension by updating your records with the Coronavirus Immigration Team (CIT) using their online form.

UKVI will let you know when your request is received, and when your visa has been extended. If you have previously had your visa extended to the 31st May 2020, your visa will be extended automatically to the 31st July 2020. You do not need to complete the online form.

If you are still a registered student at Newcastle University London, please let us know that your visa has been extended by sending your confirmation to

Wishing you all the best of luck with the remainder of your assessment period.

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