UW−Madison Guidelines: Furloughs, Work-Share Program, Reassignments and Leave Provisions
May 18, 2020

UW−Madison employees have a strong tradition of working together as a community to address challenging circumstances. Our current situation requires that we implement short-term, cost-saving measures to address the fiscal impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

These measures include a campus-wide furlough requirement, Work-Share program, Position-Specific Furloughs and reassignments. This document provides an overview of these measures, as well as leave provisions in the revised COVID-19 Pandemic Leave Policy. Additional information for employees, including frequently asked questions (FAQs), is available at hr.wisc.edu/covid19/furlough.

Campus-Wide Furloughs

Employees* will take unpaid furlough days between May 15 and October 31, 2020. The number of furlough days is based on an employee’s annual salary:

Total Salary 12-Month Appt. Furlough Days 9-Month Appt. Furlough Days Less than $50,000 3 2 $50,000 – $80,000 4 3 $80,001-$150,000 5 4 More than $150,000 6 5

*excludes graduate assistant, post-degree training appointments (e.g. postdocs), student hourly employees and non-FTE appointments (e.g. temporary employees, academic staff hourly, and lump sum appointments)

The above furlough allocations equal 8 hours/day of leave without pay (e.g., 4 days of furlough equals 32 hours). Total current combined salary will be used to determine furlough allocations. There will be no pro-ration of furlough days based on appointment percentage. Employees may not use vacation, banked, sick or personal leave on a furlough day to offset the unpaid leave.

For employees on 9-month appointments, these furlough days are designed so the dollars they lose in lost wages are about the same amount as those at their income level on 12-month appointments.

Employees will designate their furlough days using the same scheduling and approval process they use when taking vacation leave. In some circumstances, divisions/work units may designate certain days on which all staff will take furloughs.

For faculty and employees paid on an hourly basis, pay will be reduced in equal increments over the furlough period (May-October). For other employees in salaried positions, pay will be reduced during the pay period the furlough days are taken. When a salaried employee takes furlough time, they will record their hours of work during that work week.

During Campus-wide Furloughs, employees will maintain their employment as UW−Madison employees.

By mid-May, each employee will receive a letter indicating their number of furlough days and other information related to Campus-wide Furloughs.

Work-Share Program

Campus work units may implement a Work-Share program that involves the reduction of employees’ work hours beginning no earlier than May 15 until October 31, 2020. The Work-Share program allows employers to reduce employee hours by ten to sixty percent with the employee eligible to apply for unemployment benefits for lost wages. With the recent increased federal funding for unemployment insurance benefits because of COVID-19, many employees in this situation with lower incomes could receive supplemental unemployment benefits equal to current wages until the end of July, 2020. Use of this program allows the university to retain skilled employees during times of work slowdown or budget emergencies by reducing work hours, while allowing employees to supplement lost wages with unemployment benefits.

Employees placed in the Work-Share program will not be included in the Campus-wide Furloughs identified above, and they will maintain their employment as UW−Madison employees.

Note that the Work-Share program must be approved by the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development before we can implement it. While we expect relatively quick approval, should this not happen we may be forced to move to a more extensive furlough program.

Campus work units using the Work-Share program will notify affected employees by mid-May and provide detailed information on how the program will affect the employee.

Only a few units with substantial work reductions that affect a large number of their staff will be able to qualify for the Work-Share program. The following options will be used if other campus work units need to adjust employees’ hours because of inability to work remotely, lack of work or financial circumstances.


Supervisors may reassign employees to perform work to meet the university’s operational needs or ensure the employee is working to meet the number of hours for their appointment/position. Reassignment may involve work that is not part of the employee’s regular functions and/or it may be located away from their current work unit. In addition, employees may be reassigned to cover UW–Madison or State of Wisconsin staffing needs to provide essential services.

Reassignments will be reasonably made and will consider current campus emergency circumstances, university business operational needs or State of Wisconsin needs, and the employee’s skills and abilities to the extent possible under the circumstances.

Position-Specific Furloughs

Campus work units may place individual employees on a mandatory unpaid leave of absence (continuous furlough) due to lack of work or if an employee cannot work remotely. Operational needs will determine whether the reduction is for a part or all of the employee’s normal work schedule, and how long the furlough will last.

Employees may not use vacation, banked, sick or personal leave to offset a Position-Specific Furlough but will be able to apply for unemployment benefits. Based on increased federal funding, affected employees with lower incomes could receive supplemental unemployment benefits equal to current wages until the end of July, 2020.

Employees placed in Position-Specific Furloughs will not be included in the Campus-wide Furloughs identified above. Affected employees will continue to maintain their employment as UW−Madison employees.

Campus work units using Position-Specific Furloughs will notify affected employees by mid-May and provide all the necessary information.

Voluntary Leave without Pay

Employees can also work with their supervisor to identify options to voluntarily go on leave without pay. Timeframes can vary including part- or full-time options for specific periods of time. Under these circumstances, employees will unlikely be eligible for unemployment benefits.

COVID-19 Leave

Employees who are affected by COVID-19 may qualify for paid leave under the federal program called the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) until December 31, 2020.

UW COVID-19 paid leave, available since mid-March for employees not able to work remotely or who cannot work for reasons related to COVID-19, will continue to be available until May 15, 2020. UW COVID-19 leave will not be available after May 15.

See the revised COVID-19 Pandemic Leave Policy for more information.

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