Message from the Office of the President: “Sunrise Plan”
May 01, 2020

Dear students, faculty, and staff,

Yesterday, Governor Tim Walz extended Minnesota’s “Stay at Home” order until May 18, while taking additional steps to loosen restrictions and bring more Minnesotans safely back to work. We are prepared for these steps and would like to update you on how they affect us as we head into what promises to be a beautiful weekend.

Sunrise: Phase One

University officials have been working on a “Sunrise Plan” that outlines a gradual reopening of limited functions on our campuses and other University sites. This is an intentional and comprehensive plan that is consistent with guidance from the Minnesota Department of Health and was developed at the request of Governor Walz.

First and foremost, if you are able to work from home, you are expected to continue to work from home. With the “Stay at Home” order still in place, the University’s Extended Reduced Operations remain unchanged for at least the next several weeks.

While most employees will continue to work from home, we recognize that some faculty and staff efforts may be impossible to do remotely, or can only be done in an extremely limited capacity. For example, we have research across the University that was put on hold as we complied with the Governor’s initial “Stay at Home” orders. With consultative leadership from the Office of the Vice President for Research, these research functions were hibernated until they could safely resume operations.

Now, based on updated guidance from state and public health officials, and the University’s own medical and public health experts, we believe that we can slowly and carefully reopen some limited functions. Social distancing and other protocols will apply (see this easy guide). We will take extra precautions in determining who can return on-site and how we implement these measures to ensure the health and safety of our students, faculty, and staff.

Determining if your work falls within Phase One of the “sunrise” and seeking approval to return requires a three-step process:

  1. Staff and faculty should consult with their supervisor/manager to discuss their individual need to return to a University site.
  2. Along with your supervisor, closely review the “Sunrise Plan” and fill out the request form. Please pay particular attention to the importance of ensuring social distancing, the cleanliness of workspaces, the use of masks, and the close monitoring of the health of all involved individuals.
  3. Your request will be reviewed and answered promptly in the order in which requests are received. Once you have received an approval email, you may immediately return to your worksite. It is critically important that any employees returning to on-site work follow this process. For more information, please review these FAQs. We are deploying facilities management resources to directly support extra cleaning and disinfecting of facilities. We all share a responsibility for a safe return, and together, we can do this safely.

Lastly, in the spirit of May Day, I’ll share one of my favorite Maya Angelou quotes, “No sun outlasts its sunset, but will rise again and bring the dawn.” I hope that you can enjoy this weekend and feel the sense of hope and new beginnings of spring. Please continue to share the ways that you are #UMN proud and please stay healthy, safe, and well.

With warmest wishes, Joan Gabel

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