Examinations, Assessments, Progression and Awarding
May 08, 2020

Accessing your exams will be different depending on what types of assessment you are undertaking.

  • Option 1 & 2 examination papers will only be posted on https://exams.exeter.ac.uk, navigate to your module page to find your paper, just like you would on ELE.
  • Option 3 assessments will be on your module page on ELE at https://vle.exeter.ac.uk
  • Modern Foreign Language s and Foreign Language Centre Oral Exams will also be on your module page on ELE at https://vle.exeter.ac.uk.

On your module page, you will find your examination paper along with any specific instructions. Click on the examination paper link to download it, and save the examination paper to your hard drive. For option 2 papers, your exam time will start when you click on the ‘Attempt quiz now’ button. As soon as you open the quiz your start time will be logged and the duration of your exam will begin. Please make sure you are ready and have everything you need before you click on the quiz. You will then be taken to a page to download your examination paper. Please close ELE once you have downloaded your examination paper.

Please note: When accessing your module pages in Exams ELE you will notice a label in the top-left corner that says ‘not available.’ This will appear below the module title. This label does not mean there is any exams information missing; unfortunately this is an automatic feature we cannot disable. To access your examination simply scroll down and you will be able to see the required information.

You can review what type of examination you will be undertaking and information about when it will become available on the examinations webpage.

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