Doctoral College newsletter 6 May 2020
May 06, 2020

During this time of upheaval we have decided to send the newsletter out on a more regular basis.

The Leeds Doctoral College Newsletter is emailed to all postgraduate researchers (PGRs) and members of the Doctoral College, and is published as an announcement on the Leeds Doctoral College Organisation on Minerva( ) and ) Past editions can be requested via email.


For the latest general advice, please check the latest news on our dedicated coronavirus website and PGR FAQs( )

There is also an archive of the coronavirus updates sent to students( )

New Virtual Windows Desktop IT is launching a new Virtual Windows Desktop. This will initially give you access to M and N Drives and any websites that are normally only available on campus (e.g. Library resources). The service is being developed rapidly, and more applications will be added over the next few weeks. If you have a staff account, you will already have access to this; if you have a student account you will have access soon. This will eventually be a replacement for Desktop Anywhere. Find out how to get started on the IT website

May Bank Holiday The University will be closed (which at the moment means we’re all still at home, but not working!) on the 8 May for the May Day/VE Day bank holiday. We will reopen on Monday 11 May.

Please keep in touch with your supervisor/s and continue to maintain your GRAD record. We are asking PGRs whose work is affected by the current circumstances in any way (e.g. lack of access to facilities, inability to carry out fieldwork, caring duties, etc.) to document this in a ‘supervision meeting’ record on GRAD so that your supervisors are aware and so that we can take this into account should we need to in future. If your circumstances change in any way, or you have any concerns, please contact your Graduate School( ) – all teams are working from home but still available on emails.

Please do get in touch with the Doctoral College( ) if there is anything more that you need to know.

Your safety and wellbeing are our priority.


We want to celebrate your successes, big or small. Please send any good news to Doctoral College(

Partnership Awards Rebecca Starr (PGR in Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies) was awarded a University Partnership Award in the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Culture for her contributions as a PGR Teaching Assistant, and Sarah Crossland (PGR in Mechanical Engineering) won the Equality and Inclusion Partnership award in the Faculty of Engineering. Well done to both!


Research Nights Sadly we are not able to run our usual Research Nights, but we didn’t want it to stop. So in lieu of regular Research Nights taking place in Pyramid in LUU, we would like to invite you to join us for the monthly #ResearchNightsIn coming soon to Twitter, showcasing some of the fascinating research being conducted by you! If you would like to take part by creating a short video to explain your research or a fun fact from your area, just email to express your interest. It’s a great opportunity to test the waters and develop skills in online engagement.

The Business Confucius Institute are hosting two exciting online events, open to all.

Tuesday 12 May 2020: An introduction to Chinese characters and calligraphy( ), an online culture lesson to explore Chinese characters and calligraphy with Chinese instructor Vivien.

Tuesday 19 May 2020: An introduction to Chinese Cuisine( ) Chinese instructor Jianan will tickle your tastebuds with this online talk about Chinese cuisine.


LUU Wellbeing update The Student Union building has closed, but the team are working hard to continue to provide support to all students. You can see updates and access their resources on the dedicated LUU Coronavirus site( ). The student exec have also set up the 'LUU Covid-19 Community'( ) group on Facebook - a group for the students of Leeds to come together during the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s an excellent mix of supportive resources and pet photos. Your Student Reps( ) are also here to help with any concerns.

Drink and Draw your Thesis The LUU Postgraduate Team have joined with ArtSoc to bring you a Drink and Draw event this Saturday evening! We’re challenging PGTs/PGRs to try and represent the key ideas in their research through artistic mediums - sign up on Facebook here( )

LUU Postgraduate Book Club LUU is pleased to launch a new fortnightly book club event. The group will meet virtually, every two weeks on a Wednesday at 6pm. Book selections are: 6 May: ‘Girl, Woman, Other’ - Bernardine Evaristo 20 May: ‘Lanny’ - Max Porter 3 June: ‘The Beekeeper of Aleppo’ - Christy Lefteri 17 June: ‘Norwegian Wood’- Haruki Murakami Email to get involved

LUU Health & Wellbeing Project - 'Dose of Happy' Newsletter To keep everyone's spirits up, the Health & Wellbeing team will be sending out a weekly newsletter. As well as blogs, mini podcasts and other online resources, we'll be converting some of our workshops to online content. Check out the latest edition( ) and subscribe here( ).

Mental health and wellbeing online resources for students during Covid-19

Domestic abuse: guidance to support colleagues and students New guidance has been published by the Equality Policy Unit to help colleagues support staff and students who are experiencing domestic abuse( ). The guidance, which is also aimed at those directly experiencing abuse, provides information on the practical support available and includes sources of further help through the University and external organisations.


Library Research Support Team The Library Research Support Team are still here to support PGRs and the best way to contact them is to email For more information about how the team can support you please click here( ). The team are now running all their workshops as online webinars, for more information about the workshops and to book on please click here( ).

New "Shut Up and Write! For Postgraduates and Staff" webinar sessions are now available to book via Eventbrite:
Tuesday 12 May 10.00-12.50 book here( ) Thursday 14 May 13.00-15.50 book here( )

The Power Hour: Collaborating with business for social impact and research Registration is now open to Postgraduate Research Students and Early Career Researchers from across the Social Sciences for this power hour training session on Thursday 28 May 11.00 – 12.30. The session aims to help researchers clearly communicate their existing research to private sector stakeholders; and identify ways to approach and make connections with these stakeholders, as well as create potential collaborations. The training will be delivered by Mihaela Gruia who is a social and data scientist passionate about the intersection between research, communication and design. Places are limited, upon registering you will be asked to complete a few screening questions. Your place will be confirmed via email and you will be sent the zoom details. Register here( )

Interdisciplinary Research Development - methods and approaches In this series, people will share their approaches and methods of research in a way that is accessible to a wide audience. There are three aims: 1.use intellectual conversations to build collaborations across disciplines new and novel networks 3.explore new project ideas

This first seminar on 7 May 11.30-12.30 will be led by three academics who have been through this process: Dr Elizabeth Duncan( ), Dr Chris Hassall( ), Dr Ryan Neely III( ). This led to the development of a large NERC grant. Future seminars will be focussed on approaches and methods with an open outcome. Please contact Joanne Sutherland( ), who will send you the online joining details.


LUU Survey and lost employment Amy Wells from LUU has been involved in a Parliamentary Enquiry on the impact of Coronavirus on business and workers, and would like to hear from you if you have lost jobs in casual employment and are not eligible for support schemes such as furlough or Universal Credit. Please email Amy or complete the LUU survey( ).

Take part in Leeds’ Coronavirus research Study into travel behaviour and attitudes( ) during the coronavirus lockdown, conducted by the Institute for Transport Studies and Choice Modelling Centre, will also explore if people’s expectation of their activities after lockdown ends matches their actual post-lockdown behaviour. Four £50 shopping vouchers will be raffled off to those who complete all stages of the survey-based research.

School of Psychology researchers are running two surveys about the coronavirus pandemic. Both surveys offer participants the chance to win one of three £100 Amazon vouchers:

Survey open to all over 18s( ), to discuss their thoughts and behaviour towards the pandemic Survey open to those identified as 'high risk'( ), to discuss their awareness, attitudes and actions.

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter( ) and Facebook( ) and watch out for announcements on Minerva( ) to keep up with future developments and events!

Best wishes,

Professor Claire Honess Dean of the Doctoral College

Email: Web: Social: @LeedsDocCollege

12.22, Ziff Building, University of Leeds, Woodhouse Lane, Leeds, LS2 9JT

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