Updated Monday 4 May 2020, 1pm
May 04, 2020

Latest information

**Updated Monday 4 May ** **2020, 1pm

  • The University has published guidance surrounding the Safety Net Policy for students , which covers all exams and assessments from 15 March 2020.
  • Government advice states that people must stay at home and should only leave for one of four reasons: shopping for basic necessities, including food and medicine, which must be as infrequent as possible; one form of exercise a day - alone or with members of your household; any medical need or to provide care for a vulnerable person; and travelling to and from essential work, but only where this absolutely cannot be done from home. It is absolutely imperative that staff and students adhere to this.
  • Student travel home within the UK is no longer classed as essential. Students should remain where they are currently living and follow social distancing rules - see advice for current students for more information.
  • Staff carrying out business critical work that requires them to be on campus - where there is a significant consequence to health, safety and welfare if the work cannot continue - should have been notified and must carry a valid photo ID/UCard with them at all times.
  • Stay at home for seven days if you have a high temperature and/or a new continuous cough. Anyone sharing your household will need to also stay at home for 14 days from when you first developed symptoms.
  • The best defence to prevent the spread of coronavirus continues to be good hand hygiene practices and social distancing.
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