What are my options if I can't take part in online assessments, or it’s difficult for me to do so?
May 08, 2020

We’re taking a permissive and flexible approach to deferrals and extensions with assessments during this challenging time. We recognise that various events out of your control may interfere and interrupt with your ability to undertake online assessments, including the lack of a quiet workspace, issues with equipment and connection, the need to care for dependents, and personal sickness.

This is why you can choose to defer your assessment(s) without the need to provide evidence. Short term extensions will also be considered for assessments longer than 24 hours, even if evidence is not readily available.

LSE’s Financial Support Office (financial-support@lse.ac.uk) can provide you with advice and guidance about the financial support available to you. LSE has a financial support fund to assist students, with details including eligibility criteria available on the LSE website.

The LSESU Advice Service is also able to provide up to £200 for the purchase of a laptop or computer if you do not have home access to either and cannot afford to purchase one yourself. Apply to LSESU hardship fund if you need support – but please note that the fund is means tested.

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