How do I apply for program leave?
May 08, 2020

Typically, candidates need to apply for program leave by the Term census date, which was 13 March for Term 1 2020. However, if you are unable to conduct your research due to COVID-19 and you would like to apply for program leave for Term 1 2020, please email the Candidature Management Officer (link is external)for your Faculty as soon as possible for information on how to lodge a retrospective request for Program Leave.

If you wish to apply for Program Leave in Term 2 or Term 3 2020 you can do so via GRIS(link is external). The deadline to apply for program leave for Term 2 is 28 June 2020, and the deadline for Term 3 is 11 October 2020. For more information on Term dates, please visit the HDR Academic Calendar(link is external).

Please be aware that your scholarship will be suspended while you’re on leave and you should not be working on your research during that time. If you have any questions about program leave, please contact the Candidature Management Officer for your Faculty.

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