COVID19 Response Update: Remote Work Through May 26
May 05, 2020

COVID19 Response Update: Remote Work Through May 26

The following message was sent to all Mines employees and graduate students on 5/5/20:

Dear Campus Community:

Last week, the Colorado Department of Higher Education (CDHE) issued guidance to Colorado postsecondary institutions on implementing Gov. Polis’ “Safer at Home” Executive Order and the accompanying Public Heath Order. CDHE has directed higher education institutions to 1) continue remote instruction through at least May 26 and 2) continue to limit all but essential personnel and activities on their campuses.

Consistent with CDHE guidance, Colorado School of Mines will remain on remote work operations until at least May 26. As a reminder, under remote work operations, all employees who have not previously been identified by their supervisors to work on campus are expected to remain off campus and work remotely. The process for assessing critical research activities will continue as described at

Further, the current restrictions on university-related travel will continue during the “Safer at Home” period. No non-essential university travel is permitted, and that includes travel to in-state destinations. Exceptions for essential travel can be approved by the Provost per CDHE guidance. For field research submit a Field Research Access Request to your Dean through the form on the research website. Please be aware that anyone traveling during this period must implement a 14-day quarantine from campus upon return from travel. Personal travel is also discouraged. Anyone traveling for personal reasons must also implement a 14-day quarantine from campus after return from travel.

As previously announced, Summer I classes will be conducted solely through remote learning. Additionally, no events, camps or conferences will be permitted on campus through the end of Summer I (June 19). The Student Recreation Center and Arthur Lakes Library will also remain closed through at least May 26.

As part of Safer at Home, the State of Colorado has implemented new procedures to ensure workplace safety and reduce the spread of COVID-19. Colorado School of Mines’ Required Procedures for Working on Campus is linked here and can also be found on the Human Resources website. All employees (faculty, staff, volunteers, students) who have been approved to work on campus during remote work operations mode are required to follow the procedures in that document.

I know there was some expectation that more campus programs might resume on-campus operations with the state moving into a new COVID-19 response phase (Safer at Home). Unfortunately, that’s not possible given the newly issued guidance. We will continue to discuss these issues with the Colorado Department of Higher Education as well as monitor guidance from state and local health officials, and make modifications as needed and permitted.

As President Johnson and others shared at the recent town halls, we expect to make a decision about Summer II in the coming weeks and hope to have enough information and guidance by early June to make a determination about how we’ll proceed in the fall. We’ll share those decisions directly with you and also continue to keep you updated as other details and decisions emerge.

Thank you for all you are doing. If you’re able, I hope you’ll join our two virtual commencement ceremonies this Friday (details here) and cheer on our graduates from wherever you are. I hope to see you there.

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