Congrats to students for finishing strong; planning for fall underway – CU Safe Alerts
May 01, 2020

Dear Clemson Family:

It’s hard to believe but today is the last day of final exams, which brings the academic portion of this unique semester to an end. I am in awe of how our students and faculty have responded to the unprecedented set of challenges they have faced over the last several weeks.

To our faculty and academic support staff, a huge thank you for switching gears to online instruction quickly and effectively in support of the academic progress of our students. For those of you who would like to learn about some of the many ways Clemson faculty and staff went the extra mile for our students, I encourage you to read this interesting collection of short stories compiled by our University Relations team.

We should be turning our focus to graduation next week but, sadly, that’s simply not possible this semester. As a reminder, though, we intend to get our May graduates back to campus later this year for a proper graduation celebration.

We also plan to celebrate the Class of 2020 next week with as much style as we can during this time of social distancing and remote learning. We will be commemorating the occasion across our social media channels and on a special Class of 2020 web site, and I’m looking forward to being part of the fun.

As we wrap up this academic year, our energies increasingly are turning toward the fall and meeting our goal of a return to on-campus learning and activities. In all likelihood, our return to a new normal is going to happen in phases starting over the summer.

We will share details of our plans soon but know that every decision will be guided by the science and data behind the pandemic and with the safety of our students, employees and communities foremost in mind.

In a similar vein, I want to share a few operational updates from the past week:

Consistent with the state of South Carolina’s decision to begin a limited reopening of parks and recreational areas, we will do the same at the South Carolina Botanical Gardens and the Clemson Experimental Forest, beginning May 4. Social distancing and hygiene guidelines recommended by the CDC and the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control will be observed.

The Walker Golf Course reopened today. The course will limit the number of players by extending the time between playing groups and has taken several other measures to ensure the safety of players and staff.

We extended the suspension of all Clemson events, activities and gatherings at least through June 1. Additionally, all summer camps and educational programs on the University’s main campus were canceled for the duration of the summer, and all Extension camp programming is currently canceled statewide.

It is our goal to provide the safest possible plan for residence hall students to return to campus and retrieve their belongings. The current best estimate is that students will be allowed to return, in a phased manner, starting no sooner than June 1. I realize the delay in allowing this to happen has been frustrating for some students and their families, and please know we are working as hard as we can to solve this complex challenge in a safe and timely fashion.

Finally, I want to share a wonderful opportunity to support members of the Clemson Family next week. On Tuesday, May 5, Clemson is joining others across the globe for “Giving Tuesday,” which encourages people to give back in ways that empower their communities and the world.

For those who would like to give, you can support your fellow Tigers by giving to the Student Emergency Fund, the Staff and Faculty Emergency Fund or where the need is greatest, which supports all University initiatives. All three options are available at this link.

Again, congratulations to our students for finishing the year strong – and especially to the Class of 2020, which exemplifies the Clemson spirit. And thank you to all our faculty, staff and friends who make it possible for us to deliver a world-class education to our students. We’re strong and ready to tackle the future because of your dedication and support.

Stay safe – and Go Tigers!

Jim Clements


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