5.8.20: Well-being, exams and more (HWC update)
May 08, 2020

Dear Members of the Campus Community,

We hope this email finds you safe and well. This update focuses mainly on steps students, faculty, and staff can take to support well-being and maintain balance in life during what we recognize is an extraordinarily challenging time.

We encourage you to visit the new central resource on the Lehigh COVID-19 website dedicated to Support Services and Wellness Resources. Whether you are an undergraduate, graduate, or international student or staff or faculty, this center has many resources for you, including how to access counseling services, how to stay virtually connected, tips on exercises you can use to maintain a healthy workout routine, and more information on how to promote wellness and well-being.

Watch Health and Wellness Center Executive Director David Rubenstein’s personal message to students during exams.

As you continue to juggle your responsibilities while managing the stress that is associated with coping with the pandemic, it is normal to feel overwhelmed with so many of the changes to our “typical” routine. Although we share in many of the challenges this pandemic has brought all of our lives, everyone's circumstances are unique in their own way.

There are several steps you can take to help you maintain your focus and attention and support your mental health and well-being, even when your regular routine may feel out of sync:

Focus on getting enough sleep. At least 7-8 hours is recommended. This can feel challenging at times, especially—and this is directed specifically to students—when you are preparing for exams and spending many hours studying. It may seem counterintuitive, but getting enough sleep will allow you to efficiently process and retain new information and can help you perform at your best.

Eat healthy. Certain foods are known to improve mood and immune system functioning. Take a look Certain foods are known to improve mood and immune system functioning. Take a look at this link for information and this blog at Harvard Health Publishing

Exercise. The research is clear: The research is clear: exercise improves mental health, cognitive and cardiac functioning. Check out this link for more information from the CDC . Below are additional free resources and at-home exercise options provided in coordination with Taylor Gym.

Maintain balance and take breaks! It is easy to lose yourself in one activity, and often this can zap and drain energy. Conversely, multi-tasking can actually reduce productivity and the quality of the product. Planning your day and making sure to take breaks throughout will help you to sustain your energy and focus, one task and exam at a time!

Stay healthy and remember social distancing, hand washing and face covering when out in public. We wish you the best! Know that we miss you and are here for you for support!


Lehigh University

Health and Wellness Center and University Counseling Services Team


Free At-Home Exercise Resources -

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