All student email
May 09, 2020

Dear UWA Students

The better news today is that the Prime Minister announced a three stage plan to reopen Australia in a COVID-safe way. As this process of mapping out the pathway forward occurs, we too have now moved into planning the University’s recovery route and how we get back to a new normal.

In short

Recovery Management Team

Social distancing requirements when using campus facilities

Research update for HDR students

Recovery Management Team

The University’s Recovery Management Team (RMT) has now been formed and has representatives from areas across the University to oversee and coordinate a COVID safe reopening of campus and return to face to face working, learning and campus activities.

The RMT will have associated work streams connected to the central team to enable detailed analysis, planning and decision making. The Student Guild are a central partner in this activity as are the Faculties and Schools. The RMT team will also work closely with Universities Australia and the Group of Eight to ensure UWA is aligned with the sector-wide recovery response and specific higher education guidelines.

This may go slightly slower than you are hoping but as we all know safety matters, and it really matters in a State where we have flattened the curve but we are heading into winter and all the associated uncertainty of what the next phase will look like. We remain committed to providing you with timely and comprehensive operational updates on how State and Federal government COVID-19 directives are applicable to University operations. And so check the student support COVID page and our FAQ page for the latest coronavirus information.

Social distancing requirements when using campus facilities

It is important to remember we are still fighting a very real and highly contagious virus, for which, there is still no vaccine, no treatment and no cure. Social distancing requirements are non-negotiable for everyone at all times while on campus.

Even though there has been easing in the number of people who can gather, these interactions still need to be at a distance of 1.5m. Please also remember to practise good hygiene and to keep washing your hands (with apologies for keeping on about this but it really does matter)!

Research update

For research students whose work requires the use of campus facilities, UWA will continue to use a mix of ‘working from home’ and ‘working on campus’. Research students working on campus must continue to follow physical distancing and hygiene measures, as per State and national health requirements.

Some researchers are needing to resume/continue fieldwork which is necessary for research. UWA researchers wanting to undertake fieldwork need to follow the usual planning and permissions procedures, and in addition comply with the current intrastate and interstate travel and social distancing requirements related to COVID-19. Research students must first discuss with their supervisor if the fieldwork is necessary at this time. The justification needed and the process to follow is set out on the UWA COVID FAQ pages. Following UWA approval, the intrastate border travel permit application process is required before you travel.

Any research student undertaking fieldwork must ensure that you have completed a thorough planning process in consultation with your supervisors, have obtained the required approvals, and all necessary documents (see the two web-links above) prior to undertaking any fieldwork.

The Library continues to support research students and has launched a web page to explain new services available to researchers during COVID-19. In addition, all Crawley and Nedlands libraries are open to UWA staff and students.

The sunshine is back after a very stormy week and I hope you all relish the small additional freedoms we now have. We will no doubt, one day soon, look back on this experience with joy that we survived and sadness for the many others that did not. The Prime Minister said today that “we must walk before we run”. In that short sentence we now have hope that tomorrow will indeed be better – enjoy your weekend.


Jane and Bre

Professor Jane den Hollander AO


Bre Shanahan


UWA Student Guild

Vice-Chancellery • M464, Perth WA 6009 Australia

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