All student email
May 09, 2020

Dear UWA Students

Today is University Mental Health Day and so take time to remember that you’re not alone in all this chaos and isolation. So much has happened in our lives this year that it can be hard to focus on our mental health and wellbeing, but now more than ever it’s important to practice a little self-care. UWA is here to support you through these challenging times, so please reach out if you need help.

In short:

Social distancing requirements when using campus facilities

Exam timetable released


LinkedIn Learning

Social distancing requirements when using campus facilities

A reminder that when you are on campus and accessing our facilities, physical distancing requirements must be followed at all times. Even though there has been easing in the number of people who can gather, these interactions still need to be at a distance of 1.5m. This is important for your own health and the health of others. Staff and security will be on hand to remind students if they’re not following appropriate distancing requirements. Please also remember to practise good hygiene and to keep washing your hands!

We are continuing to follow State and Federal health and safety advice to ensure any return to campus is safe, coordinated and sustainable.

Teaching, exams and assessments will continue to be delivered through online methods for the remainder of Semester 1. Semester 2 will also be made available in an online mode, so should we be able to safely recommence teaching on campus, all lectures, tutorials, exams and assessments will continue to run online for students who cannot get to campus due to travel restrictions. We will update you on this as more information comes to light.

Exam timetable released

Your personalised Semester 1 exam timetable is now available for you to view in studentConnect. Your timetable will display the date and time for each of your exams, as well as the exam mode. The venue field of your timetable will display one of the following mode options:

Online Examplify (ExamSoft)

Online Blackboard (LMS)

Alternative Assessment

More information about these exam modes is available on the Exams website. If you have enrolled in a unit with a timetabled exam you should also receive an email outlining exams for Semester 1, 2020 and you can view a copy of the email.


With exams just around the corner, Studiosity provides you with free and personalised study help 24/7. All students can access UWA's Studiosity service via the LMS, for immediate study help and writing feedback anytime. You can:

Ask a question whenever you're stuck, and a real Subject Specialist is waiting to help you work it out (in subjects like mathematics, statistics, economics, physics, assignment research and more);

Upload a written draft for detailed, personalised feedback in less than 24 hours. The specialist will provide guidance on how to improve your work, in terms of spelling, grammar, structure and writing style.

Find the Studiosity link in the LMS to access your free account.

LinkedIn Learning

UWA’s Educational Enhancement Unit has also put together a learning path in LinkedIn Learning to help you prepare for your exams. In this playlist you’ll find links to articles on self-care during exams, UWA resources and general study skills.

Exams are fast approaching so I hope you take advantage of all the study support services available to you. This will include Examplify resources which our teams have been busily preparing and which we’re nearly ready to share.

And talking of exams: The great Angela Merkel, leader of Germany and Quantum chemist, was asked this week what politicians could learn from scientists and she said this: “Gravity – without mass [there is] no depth”. So study hard, make sure you know your stuff as substance matters in the long run.

Last thing for today…. in support of Uni Mental Health Day, make sure you take care of yourself, and reach out to others who may need a hug or just a smile.


Jane and Bre

Professor Jane den Hollander AO


Bre Shanahan


UWA Student Guild

Vice-Chancellery • M464, Perth WA 6009 Australia

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