All student email
May 09, 2020

Dear UWA Students

Today some good news: on Wednesday we launched UWA Support Our Students (SOS) COVID-19 Emergency Appeal, an initiative between the wider University community and Student Guild to help bring you much-needed support during this very difficult time.

I am pleased to let you know the kindness and strength of our University community is once again shining through. The appeal has had great success in only the first few days with generous contributions received to assist with welfare packs, remote study technology support and emergency accommodation. We’ve also received offers of pro-bono advice and messages of support for you. It’s a good feeling to know the community cares as much as we do.

You can find out more about the help available on the Students website and share the appeal using #UWAtogether and #allinthistogether.

This week the Group of Eight released the Roadmap to Recovery report, designed to help the Federal Government plot the best path through COVID-19. Nine of our top UWA researchers contributed to the report and it is the most comprehensive of its kind presented to Government. The report notes that, until a vaccine is developed, COVID-19 will remain in the community and many will be susceptible. The report is an enthralling read and I encourage you to take a look. It is a strong reminder of what we can achieve – our ideas, our experimentation and the translation of our knowledge that is being used to help our community.

You will also know that there is the ongoing gradual easing of conditions as our COVID-19 curve flattens each day. We are beginning to work on how we open the campus but the return must be safe, coordinated and sustainable. We will keep you updated.

Here are a few matters to update you on as we round off another week.

In short:

Exam timetable released on Monday

STUDYSmarter free online academic skills support

UWA Medical Centre is still open

Exam timetable released on Monday

On Monday, 4 May the Exams Office will email you information on the date and time of your scheduled exams. The timetable will also publish the mode of your exam including whether it is an alternate form of assessment, LMS-based exam or using Examplify. This email will also provide updated information on exam conditions for online exams and how to opt out if you remain concerned about sitting an exam on Examplify.

Please continue to check the FAQ page for further updates.

STUDYSmarter free online academic skills support

Getting ready for assessments and exams? Want expert advice from UWA staff?

UWA Medical Centre is still open

It’s important not to ignore your health, especially in the current situation. The UWA Medical Centre is a safe environment to attend appointments, and we are encouraging more telehealth consultations to increase patient and staff safety.

For those coming in to the medical centre, we ensure that fewer patients are in the waiting room and social distancing processes are cautiously followed.

The Australian Government is urging all people with chronic health conditions to not neglect their regular health care and to continue to see their general practitioner or specialist about the management of their conditions.

Appointments can be made for face-to-face, telephone or video consultations. More information is available on the Medical Centre webpage.

As always, please send your feedback and questions to

Well it's Friday, it’s sunny and so enjoy your weekend, and if you can, catch up with someone who makes you smile. I have been thinking about one of Bob Dylan’s most famous songs – “The Times They Are a-Changin” (look it up if you are not familiar). This song seems about right for now. We don’t know what the world will be like post COVID-19 but it will probably be different. You have adapted in the blink of an eye to online learning – demonstrating resilience and foresight to keep your studies going. This is good as you need to be ready for the world when you get back into it.


Jane and Bre

Professor Jane den Hollander AO


Bre Shanahan


UWA Student Guild

Vice-Chancellery • M464, Perth WA 6009 Australia

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