On-campus research phase-in directives
May 09, 2020

Following last week’s preliminary information about the Quebec government’s decision to gradually resume on-campus research activities, here is some information about the first stage of this progressive phase-in.

Researchers are required to read and abide by the University’s directives for facilitating a safe and efficient transition back to on-campus research activities. The Emergency Operation Centre (EOC) developed these directives in collaboration with the faculties. These directives apply to any activity that will progressively resume on our campuses.

For the first stage of the progressive phase-in, currently set to start the week of May 11, the University will reopen the following buildings on the downtown and Macdonald campuses:

Strathcona Anatomy & Dentistry Building

Wong Building

Maass Chemistry Building

Pulp & Paper Building

The Macdonald-Stewart Raymond Complex, including the Barton Building

Parasitology Institute

McGill has started working with the faculties involved to determine procedures and processes necessary before any research activity can progressively re-start. Principal Investigators whose labs are located in any of the above buildings will soon receive information, from their faculty Dean, about how to submit a request to resume their research.

The EOC, along with the Research Planning Group, is currently coordinating with individual faculties to determine access to labs based on a number of factors, including: building and room capacity, viability of implementing physical distancing and other preventative measures, and research activity priorities. As I mentioned in a previous communication, the Quebec government is currently prioritizing research activities in the fields of health, natural sciences, agriculture, forestry and engineering. More information pertaining to the reopening of additional buildings and labs over the coming weeks will be forthcoming.

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