Message on Summer and Fall Registration: Coronavirus/COVID-19 Updates
May 09, 2020

Message on Summer and Fall Registration

Dear Students,

I hope you are well and enjoying your Spring Quarter classes, albeit from remote locations. As Northwestern adjusts with your health and well-being in mind, I write to alert you to new details about registration for Summer and Fall Quarter.

Summer Session

The class schedule for Summer will be published in CAESAR this coming Monday, May 11. Summer registration begins Monday, May 18 for graduate students, SPS students, and Evanston undergraduates in Group 1. All students will find their registration appointment in CAESAR on Thursday, May 14, and the full undergraduate registration schedule is available on our website.

In addition to our usual undergraduate summer schedule that includes intensive languages, basic sciences and many other favorites, we’re excited to offer new classes this year, including some that have never been offered in summer before. For the first time this summer you can now study undergraduate computer science, take a journalism class or dig deeper into fascinating topics offered by the School of Education and Social Policy. New additions from sociology and philosophy will delve into ethics and social problems, and if you’ve ever wanted the chance to focus on reading and writing poetry or fiction, the English department will offer popular courses designed to develop your skills and knowledge in those genres. Visit the Summer Session website to find details on all undergraduate and SPS graduate summer courses.

Because summer classes will be taught remotely, they are now marked with a mode to show which are entirely synchronous, occurring in real time; which are entirely asynchronous, with no scheduled meeting time; and which require some synchronous and asynchronous meetings, tagged in attributes as “Blended.” You can search by these attributes via the “Advanced Search” in CAESAR, and this information appears on class detail page.

Please also note that some summer classes meet for a full 10 weeks, while others follow a condensed format, details you can also find on the class detail page in CAESAR.

Fall Quarter

This is the time of year when you would usually meet with an advisor to prepare for Fall Quarter registration, but given the uncertainty of the time, we have postponed registration to ensure that you have as much information as possible before choosing your classes.

Whether we can return to campus, the degree to which we must meet remotely and whether internships and study abroad can continue as planned will influence not only your course selection, but the number and type of classes departments offer. We will make these decisions and share them with you before registration begins so you can make sound, well-informed choices about your enrollment. Accordingly: Fall registration will take place in late July or August. Undergraduate advisors will be available remotely at that time; graduate students should consult their advisors as usual. Watch your Northwestern email this summer for updates.

As the University plans for Summer and Fall terms full of exciting academic opportunities, I assure you that we will also work hard to make your transitions to those terms as smooth and seamless as possible.

Be well,

Jaci Casazza

Assistant Provost & University Registrar

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