All student email - 24 April 2020
April 24, 2020

Dear students,

This email contains important updates on Covid-19. Please take the time to read it carefully.

Latest decisions and updates from Durham University

· Message from our Vice-Chancellor · Important information about college accommodation · College catering · Serious adverse circumstances and exam deferral · New wellbeing resources on Silvercloud

Further details

Message from our Vice-Chancellor

We are grateful for your co-operation during the current Covid-19 lockdown. In a new video message, our Vice-Chancellor, Professor Stuart Corbridge, offers his thanks to all students for how you have responded.

Our Vice-Chancellor also talks about how we are planning to deliver the highest quality educational experience from the start of the 2020/21 academic year. We hope restrictions will be lifted by then to enable face-to-face teaching and we are working towards this. However, we must acknowledge the possibility that teaching will have to be online and are preparing for this scenario. Watch the video here( ).

Important information about college accommodation

As you know, we made a commitment not to charge any student who is no longer physically resident in University accommodation for Easter Term (Sunday 26 April onwards).

Subject to students agreeing to the termination of their licence agreements, students who have left Durham University accommodation will not be charged for Easter term accommodation, even if they have left their belongings behind in their room.

In order to ensure you are not charged you will need to give the University permission to terminate your licence agreement as soon as possible. Your college is sending you information directly to confirm your current status and provide further information on both the termination of licence agreements, return of any keys and what will happen to belongings, should you have left them behind.

College catering

In consultation with Common Room Presidents, the University has made the decision not to provide a catering service in Colleges during the Easter Term. The residency charge for students currently living in College and on a catering package will be adjusted accordingly. Students will not be charged for catering during the Easter Term.

It is recognised that self-catering provision is varied. Students with concerns surrounding the self-catering facilities in their accommodation should contact Student Support Staff in their College.

Serious adverse circumstances (SAC) and exam deferral

We will be providing more information on SAC and the exam deferral process next week.

New wellbeing resources on Silvercloud We understand how challenging these times are for all of us. To help you manage your wellbeing and mental health, we’ve launched Silvercloud, a new resource where you can take part in modules on topics such as stress, sleep, money worries, anxiety, and depression.

The modules are evidence-based and widely used across the NHS and many other organisations, they can also be accessed from any device. You can find more information here( ).


As we continue to deal with the challenges in the face of this pandemic, we remain committed to providing you with a world-class education and giving you the best possible university experience in these unprecedented circumstances.

We are extremely grateful for your continued understanding and patience during a difficult time for us all.

Best wishes,

Claire O’Malley Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Global)

All Covid-19 email updates issued to staff and students are available online at:  

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