Recovery Communication Re: Shelter in Place Order Completion
April 28, 2020
Governor Kemp’s Shelter in Place Order is set to expire for most Georgians on Thursday, April 30. For medically fragile and elderly Georgians, shelter in place will continue at least through May 13 – the date Georgia’s Public Health Emergency expires. 

Many of you are wondering if that means you should return to in-person work on May 1. For now, according to the University System of Georgia (USG) guidance, please continue to work in the same manner you’ve been working during the shelter in place period. The governor’s announcement included the caution for everyone to continue to follow Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Georgia Department of Public Health (GDPH) guidance by sheltering in place as often as you can, so:

  • If you’ve been working remotely, please continue working from home.
  • If you are part of the campus workforce that has been reporting to campus for work to serve students, support remote instruction, or researchers approved to conduct on-campus research, please continue to work with your supervisor to maintain your normal schedule.
  • If you are unable to work remotely and have been following Non-Closure Emergency Leave procedures, please continue to do that as well.

Georgia Tech will continue to implement the measures outlined in the governor’s Executive Order to mitigate and prevent the spread of COVID-19 for those employees who report to work in person. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Screening anyone who exhibits signs of illness.
  • Requiring anyone showing signs of illness to stay home.
  • Enhancing sanitation procedures and increasing the use of disinfectants on hard surfaces.
  • Requiring hand washing and posting information encouraging good hand hygiene.
  • Prohibiting co-workers from using each other’s phones or equipment.
  • Prohibiting gatherings of more than six staff members even during breaks.
  • Holding meetings virtually.
  • Requiring staff to follow social distancing guidelines at all times.
  • Implementing staggered shifts.
  • Prohibiting hand shaking.

All campus events through June should also continue to be held virtually, rescheduled, or canceled.

In anticipation of a resumption of in-person instruction in August, 2020, USG institutions will begin to bring faculty and staff who have been in telework or flexible arrangements back to their campuses in the near future. An exact timeframe will be determined soon.

In order to ensure a smooth transition and to limit the spread of COVID-19, we have been asked to develop a plan for a staggered return of faculty and staff. The plan must promote a healthy and safe environment; comply with executive orders and directives from the governor’s office; and reflect guidance from GDPH and the CDC recommendations. The plan is to be submitted for USG review by May 15. We will share details of the plan for the phased return to work once it has been approved.

The Institute’s COVID-19 Task Force is committed to providing you with timely updates. If you have questions, please speak with you supervisor or submit them to Please be prepared to be flexible and to adapt should the changing nature of the pandemic require us to modify plans along the way.

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