Student visas and confirmation of enrolment
April 30, 2020
  • Monash understands students may be concerned about the impact an increase in online study might have on their student visa.
  • The Australian Government has confirmed that Monash can deliver more than one-third of a course via online study to international students during the COVID-19 pandemic, for students both in Australia and overseas.
  • We understand from the Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange (CSCSE) that qualifications would be recognised including an online study component if students are currently enrolled at the University and their on-campus study has been disrupted by COVID-19, with them having to continue their study with the university through online means during the disrupted period. Students are advised to maintain records of their communications with the University to provide CSCSE with documentation, which verifies that they have indeed been impacted by the COVID-19 situation.
  • Depending on your individual course, assessments will be adapted to suit the mode of study. Please contact Monash Connect if you’d like to discuss any changes to how your course is being delivered.

Implications for your enrolment:

  • The Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) that is issued by Monash is the University’s guarantee to the Department of Home Affairs that a student is enrolled in an approved Monash course, and on receipt of a CoE from Monash the Department issues the student visa. Only the Department of Home Affairs can issue or cancel a student visa.
  • Once issued, there are specific visa conditions that must be adhered to. Students must remain enrolled in an approved course, and the CoE issued by Monash provides the evidence of this enrolment.
  • Because Monash is now able to deliver more of your course online, the University will manage your enrolment in the following ways:

Monash won’t make any changes to your CoE if:

  • You want to study online in your home country and intend to return to Australia;
  • You are currently in Australia, but want to return home and study online for a period of time before returning to Australia to complete your degree; or
  • You are currently in Australia, and your course has been moved to online study.

Monash will cancel your CoE if:

  • You return home to complete your course with no intention to return to Australia. If you change your mind later and wish to return to Australia and your visa has been cancelled, you will need to apply for a new student visa.

Visa application and date changes

  • If you’re waiting on a decision on a visa application and have a revised CoE from Monash, you should advise the Department of Home Affairs of the new CoE. This is to ensure your student visa will reflect the adjusted dates on your most recent CoE.
  • Student visas cannot be extended, so any student who requires a new student visa due to a valid reason associated with COVID-19 will need a new CoE and an official letter to support their visa application. Monash Connect can provide you with this letter.

**Other student visa changes **

  • The Department of Home Affairs has temporarily increased the number of hours that individuals on a student visa can work, in certain fields of work.

Other visa enquiries

  • The Department of Home Affairs is the only agency with the power to issue or cancel a student visa. If you have questions about the status of your visa or your application, you should contact the Department of Home Affairs. Further information is available on their website.
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