What changes are there to UQ's usual teaching and learning policies and procedures ?
April 30, 2020

Extensions to timelines and changes to dates

  • Withdrawing without academic penalty : After finalisation of grades, students can apply to the President of the Academic Board for withdrawal without academic penalty within thirty (30) calendar days of the release of final grade – this has been extended to 60 calendar days.
  • Student grievances : Student appeals must normally be lodged within 20 business days of the decision / action giving rise to the appeal - this has been extended to 40 business days.
  • Supplementary assessment and deferred examination: The dates for the supplementary and deferred examination period will be changed; you will be provided with ample notice.
  • Finalisation of grades following deferred exams and supplementary assessment: the final grade for courses would normally be finalised within 10 calendar days of the end of semester 1 – this has been extended to 14 calendar days.
  • Census Date for Semester 2: Given the change to the Semester 1 timetable and the potential impact on the Semester 2 timetable, it may be necessary to move the Semester 2 Census Date. Should this be the case, you will be provided ample notice.

Teaching and learning policies.

  • Re-assessment: Normally you are not allowed to submit the same work twice, nor be given exemption or partial credit for previous attempt(s) for any individual piece of assessment. In some courses where there is severe disruption, or where not all of the learning outcomes can be assessed, this may need to change. Your Course Coordinator will be able to advise if this applies in the course.
  • Course level assessment structures : Normally, Course Coordinators may not alter the structure of assessment after the end of teaching week 1 of Semester. To enable you to continue your studies in Semester 1, aspects of the course have been redesigned, including assessment; changes to assessment details will be possible until 17 April 2020, and will be shown in the course profile.
  • Exam timing : To ensure minimum disruption and delays to your studies while delivering the learning outcomes you expect, exams/tests may be held during teaching weeks 12 and 13, assessment items due during revision week, and where necessary exams scheduled on Sundays or public holidays.
  • Format of deferred end-of-semester exams : Deferred end-of-semester examinations must normally be held in the same conditions as the original examination, including format and duration. Because this situation is changing so quickly, it may be necessary to shift from physical examinations to online or vice versa, and as a result the format and timing of your examinations may not be identical. However, the level and learning outcomes assessed will be the same.
  • Off-campus exam fees: Normally on-campus students may only take exams off-campus where there are exceptional circumstances, and in such cases, a fee applies. This will not be applicable, and many exams will be delivered online this year.

Medical certificates

For applications for extensions to assessment and deferred examinations on medical grounds, we normally require a medical certificate. To ensure we don’t place unnecessary strain on our health services, students do not need to obtain a medical certificate. Instead, we will accept a statement of circumstances signed by the student, up until 1/11/2020 only.

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