Plans for Winter Term and Semester 2, 2020
April 29, 2020

Plans for Winter Term and Semester 2, 2020

The below information is current as of Wednesday 29 April 2020 and will be updated as further information is confirmed.

Current students should continue to plan for studies in Semester 2 so that you can progress toward the completion of your course. You are encouraged to consider your Semester 2 subject options in the Handbook and can book a phone appointment for course advice.

Future students can find information on Study.

Please note that the Semester 2, 2020 academic calendar has been adjusted following the changes to Semester 1, 2020 academic calendar.

Winter Term 2020

It is expected that the whole of Winter Term will be delivered fully online, with confirmation to occur in mid May informed by the latest Victorian and Australian Government advice.

Semester 2, 2020

The University is currently preparing for possible scenarios for Semester 2:

  1. Commencement of Semester 2 fully online for all students if necessary
  2. A gradual resumption of some face-to-face teaching, potentially from the beginning of the semester, should the government sufficiently relax physical distancing requirements. This resumption would likely involve a combination of face-to-face and online teaching (mixed-mode delivery)
  3. Full online teaching and assessment arrangements for all of Semester 2, 2020 where necessary.

We acknowledge that international travel restrictions mean that students who are currently overseas will likely be unable to return to campus in time for the commencement of Semester 2, or possibly at any stage during the semester. Online teaching and assessment will continue as long as necessary for students who are overseas or otherwise unable to return to campus, or if strict physical distancing requirements necessitate online delivery for any or all programs. We are committed to supporting all students to progress through their degrees.

Returning to campus

Any return to campus will be gradual, phased and be carefully implemented to prioritise health and safety. Public health measures to mitigate the risk of transmission, may limit options for face-to-face teaching, for example limits on class sizes or the number of classes happening in each building at any one time. As such, it is likely that students who are able to return to campus for all or part of Semester 2 will continue learning through mixed-mode delivery with a likely combination of small group classes and some online learning.

The University will establish priorities for the gradual resumption of face-to-face teaching, informed by government requirements and factoring in different student cohort needs, sizes, subject or course progression requirements and teaching and learning formats. We are committed to supporting you to progress through your studies and will advise students as early as possible of transition arrangements.

Assessment methods for all subjects will be evaluated in the first part of Semester 2 to ensure suitable arrangements for all students affected by travel restrictions and to adhere to any public health requirements that may be in place. Any changes will be clearly communicated to students.

Cases of COVID-19 on campus might require a temporary or longer-term cessation of any face-to-face activities that have been taking place. Should this be the case, continuity of teaching and learning will be provided through a return to fully online delivery.

Where possible, opportunities will be provided for students to catch up on missed subjects and subject components (such as placements, for example) to allow students to be on target for timely completion.

Campus operations, including access to buildings and libraries, MUSport and campus retail, may be gradually resumed with decisions informed by physical distancing requirements and the scale and type of activities that will take place on campus.

Study Overseas activity will not be possible in Semester 2 given the likelihood of international travel restrictions being in place for some time.

July Graduations will be postponed with graduands given the opportunity to graduate in absentia or at a later graduation at the end of 2020 or early 2021, should government policy permit this.

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