Tier 4 sponsored students: evidencing engagement and attendance
April 30, 2020

With a move to remote teaching from the 23 March, students are not expected to attend timetabled activities or meetings with supervisors in person. We will be taking the following approach to engagement and attendance monitoring for the remainder of the semester:

  • Undergraduate students should engage with the remote teaching provided by their School. Results of assessments and exams will be recorded on your student record once marked.
  • Postgraduate taught student engagement will be recorded through remote contact with your supervisor and dissertation hand in.
  • Postgraduate research student engagement will be recorded through contact with your supervisor, remotely if needed.

Provided you engage with your studies remotely, there will be no impact on your Tier 4 Visa. We do recognise that not it may not be possible for all students to engage with their studies in this way; therefore if you will not be engaging with your studies remotely, you must inform your school and take an Authorised Interruption of Study.

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