April 27 Message - Residence Hall Item Retrieval Update
April 30, 2020

Dear Residential Students,

In early April, I promised that I would follow up with additional information on how to retrieve your belongings from the residence halls. I appreciate your patience and understanding while we have worked to develop a safe and efficient plan.

Due to the extension of Governor Wolf’s stay-at-home order in Pennsylvania through at least Friday, May 8—and possibly longer for the Philadelphia region—as well as the continuing social distancing guidelines in place, I have outlined three options below for retrieving your belongings from campus and the timing for each option.

Regardless of which option you select, you must inform the University of your plans via the “Student Move-Out Form” found on the Student Housing website no later than Friday, May 8, so that we can facilitate access to your room at the appropriate time.

Option 1

You can return to campus to retrieve your items on your own once we notify you that the stay-at-home order impacting the Villanova area has been lifted.

When the order is lifted, you will be able to schedule online a specific date and window of time to return to campus.

Arrival windows will be limited and staggered each day to ensure that any social distancing guidelines or other restrictions in effect are followed.

Roommates will not be permitted to schedule arrival times on the same day.

Option 2

You can contract with a packing, moving and storage company to retrieve your belongings and store or ship them for you beginning Friday, May 1.

This process can begin earlier than the other options because these companies are still able to operate while the stay-at-home order is in effect.

We have been notified by several vendors that they will utilize live video chat during the packing process to identify and pack your items.

For a list of vendors offering these services, please visit the Office for Residence Life website.

You are required to provide the University with authorization via the online “Student Move-Out Form” to allow the vendor into your room.

Option 3

You can return to campus to retrieve your items curbside at Villanova after contracting with a packing, moving and storage company to gather your belongings beginning Saturday, May 16.

This option can begin earlier than self-pickup because students and family members will not be entering the halls and any social distancing requirements can be maintained through curbside pickup.

To facilitate coordination of pickup times, this option is only available on Villanova’s campus through Right Size Relocation . More specific information about the services can be found here.

. More specific information about the services can be found here. The University will coordinate available pickup windows with the vendor based on the location of residence halls, and the vendor will coordinate curbside pickup with you directly.

During your pickup window, you will not be allowed in your residence hall or room or to visit other areas of campus, and you must follow any health and safety guidelines in effect at that time.

You are required to provide the University with authorization via the online “Student Move-Out Form” to allow the vendor into your room.

I want to reiterate that, regardless of your choice, you must complete the “Student Move-Out Form” found on the Student Housing website no later than Friday, May 8. If you have any questions about this process or the options available to you, please don’t hesitate to email Residence Life at residencelife@villanova.edu.

Thank you again for your cooperation, and we look forward to assisting you.


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