Message from Vice President Bill Bell re: planning for summer, fall
April 27, 2020

April 27, 2020

Message from Vice President Bill Bell re: planning for summer, fall

Dear colleagues,

As Purdue’s Safe Campus Task Force continues to work through the vital decisions that need to be made to safely operate our campus in the fall, I write today to provide some preliminary guidance on the timeline for returning to work for those who are now working remotely.

Purdue has advised, since March 13, that all those who can work remotely do so, and has announced that all nonessential in-person events are canceled through the end of June and that virtually all classes that begin in May and June will be conducted remotely. A decision on July in-person events and class starts will be made by May 15.

At this time, regardless of when Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb lifts the executive order for “stay-at-home,” employees who can work remotely should continue to do so, and Purdue will continue to operate under current guidance for instructional activity through at least the end of June.

When allowed by our public health experts, Purdue will slowly begin to provide more campus access for approved research activity with continued strict adherence to public health protocols. Details will be provided through the Office of the Executive Vice President for Research and Partnerships for those involved in research activity.

It is our hope that beginning July 1, and contingent upon ongoing assessment and guidance from health experts and government officials, Purdue will offer limited residential coursework with adherence to strict public health protocols, the additional ramping up for research activity, and the possibility of a return to campus for those who work in student support roles. Other employees will be asked to continue to work remotely.

As President Daniels indicated in his letter of April 21, the University intends to welcome our campus community back for fall semester, albeit with major changes in place to operate with the utmost attention to health and safety for all faculty, staff and students. Guidelines on a safe return to campus work and activity will continue to be developed and will be announced as decisions are made, including direction on the use of personal protective equipment and access to that equipment.

Thank you, again, for all that you are doing no matter where you are to keep our university operating to serve the needs of our students and our broader mission. Please continue to follow best practices in your work and in the community, and remember that the latest information can be found on the COVID-19 response website.


Bill Bell

Vice President for Human Resources

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