All student email
April 30, 2020

Dear UWA Students

I know from your emails that many of you were as delighted as me that the State government announced the easing of some restrictions, following continued low rates of COVID-19 infections. This includes indoor and outdoor gatherings can now be up to 10 people, however remember you still need to practice physical distancing. So enjoy those long-overdue catch ups with family and friends.

However, we are still far from out of the woods with this pandemic so please continue to practice physical distancing and keep up your good hygiene habits. We are now in a new ‘COVID normal’ pattern, and probably will be for some time to come, so read on for further information about this and a few other matters.

In short:

UWA Operational (update)

Extended Library opening hours

Examplify (update)

UWA Operational

The curve has flattened and there are fewer infections but the journey continues.

This means we will continue to follow State and Federal health and safety advice to ensure any return to campus is safe, coordinated and sustainable. In anticipation that national and State COVID restrictions will continue to gradually ease, we are now focusing our planning on how we can return to campus, knowing that we will be living with this virus in our community for the next twelve to eighteen months. This return definitely still includes firm social distancing guidelines.

So….while the campus remains open for working and learning activities that cannot be done remotely, we will continue to deliver our teaching through online methods with the Semester 1 exams to be conducted in an online format where possible. A review of the current measures by both State and Federal governments is expected in the next two to three weeks and we will communicate with you as these changes are announced. Please continue to visit the student website for the latest information.

Extended Library opening hours

The Reid Library, Beasley Law and J. Robin Warren Libraries continue to remain open to all UWA staff and students, with opening hours extended from Monday, 4 May to support more of you learning safely on campus.

Reid Library: 8am-12am Monday to Friday, and 12pm-8pm Saturdays and Sundays

Barry J Marshall Library: 9am-10pm Monday to Friday, and 9am-5pm Saturdays and Sundays

Beasley Law, J. Robin Warren and EDFAA Libraries: 9am-5pm Monday to Friday

From Monday, 11 May (subject to Government guidelines), the Reid Library will be open 24 hours/7 days a week to support the end of semester and the exam period. You must observe the physical distancing requirements and can work in groups of up to 10, but must maintain 1.5m between each person at all times. Groups should use large tables around the Library for collaboration purposes. Library group study rooms, booths, and event spaces will remain closed for now.

Where you can, we still encourage you to utilise online platforms (Zoom, Microsoft Teams etc) to minimise physical interaction with other members of the university community.

You can find the Library opening hours and online support on the University Library website.

Examplify (Update)

Privacy and Software

As we have previously communicated, some exams will be delivered by the Examplify platform. We are aware of the concerns being raised about the use of online exam platforms and wanted to assure you of the steps we’ve taken to protect the integrity of the assessment, as well as your privacy and safety when using the tool.

The Examplify platform is a highly secure tool that uses high levels of encryption and data protection to maintain the integrity of assessment and user data. During an exam, Examplify will apply additional controls in line with those specified by UWA for the exam. This may include use of the webcam and microphone. These additional controls remain in effect only for the duration of the exam.

Unlike other systems, Exampilfy (ExamID) authenticates the exam taker using personal data collected specifically for the purpose rather than official personal ID such as a drivers licence or passport.

In signing the agreement with ExamSoft, the University ensured ongoing alignment with Australian privacy legislations and protections around any data stored, preventing the re-selling or provision to other parties outside of the delivery of the exam. Where this is provided, such as for proctoring, only de-identified exam data is provided.

Once you have completed your exam(s) you can uninstall Examplify and all assets of the app and security tools used during the exam will be removed from your device.

We are confident that Examplify is a responsible platform to use in order to ensure integrity of assessment and with respect to your privacy. Our FAQs are regularly updated to help you stay informed so I encourage you to explore these. I want to re-assure you again, that if you remain concerned about Examplify you can opt-out and sit the exam at a later date when face-to-face options are available (please note we cannot yet commit to a timeframe) or an alternate assessment if you are due to graduate midyear.

Technology requirements

Your exams will be delivered in one of three ways – through Online Blackboard (LMS), Online Examplify (ExamSoft) or Alternative Assessment.

Many of you will be familiar with any technical requirements for LMS during your studies to date. For Examplify, you will need a laptop or desktop with a camera, microphone and speakers connected. Technical requirements are available here. For all exams you will need internet access to download and upload the paper. LMS exams may require a live internet connection, however Examplify can operate offline during the exam itself. If you need help with IT please let us know. We will monitor advice from the Government and if we are able to safely make computers at our campuses available to sit exams we will let you know.

Next Steps

Staff across the University are working to finalise arrangements for assessment during the Semester 1 exam round (commencing Saturday 6 June). On Monday, 4 May the exam timetable will be released which will contain information on the date and time of your scheduled exams. The timetable will also publish the mode of your exam including whether it is an alternate form of assessment, LMS-based exam or using Examplify.

The Exams Office will email all students on 4 May announcing the publishing of the timetable and will also provide updated information on exam conditions for online exams and how to opt out if you remain concerned about sitting an exam on Examplify.

The home strait of a Semester that will become the stuff of legend is upon us. Your generation, especially those of you who are 2020 commencing students will one day tell your grandchildren about this pandemic and what you did to survive. You, like our staff, have all invented clever ways to deal with the changes to how you are receiving your tuition and how you are staying in touch with news and friends and family.

What you have done is demonstrate initiative and resilience and your emails inspire me. It reminded me of the trailblazing work of Florence Nightingale, the world’s most famous nurse, and who through her inventions and actions during and after the Crimean war, sparked worldwide health care reform and much debate about quality of care and life. She is quoted as saying “Were there none who were discontented with what they have, the world would never reach anything better”. Thank you for your hard work and focus and your strength of adaptation to how you manage your learning. What you achieve this semester will be the stuff of UWA legend.

And for those of you who asked: Yes I have signed up for the COVIDSafe app.

Best wishes on a sunny but cool Perth afternoon.


Jane and Bre

Professor Jane den Hollander AO


Bre Shanahan


UWA Student Guild

Vice-Chancellery • M464, Perth WA 6009 Australia

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