Coronavirus: information for students and staff
April 30, 2020

24 April: New Scottish Government advice for international students

A letter from Richard Lochhead [Minister for Further Education, Higher Education and Science] to all International Students in Scotland says:

"Scotland has a long and proud history of intellectual and cultural exchange. As we have carried our stories, talents and creations abroad so too we have welcomed and benefited from those of others who have chosen to live, study and work here.

So firstly, I want to take this opportunity to assure you of how welcome you are, and always will be, in Scotland. It is important that you know how much I – and all of Scotland - value the very positive contribution you make to the culture and success of our universities and colleges; to our local communities; and to our country as a whole.

I also want to ensure you remain safe and well while you are in Scotland during these challenging times. As part of this, a new Scottish Government advice publication has been created specifically for you, which brings together key advice and information regarding your stay in Scotland during the current coronavirus outbreak in the UK. I recognise that it cannot possibly answer every question you may have, but I hope you will find it helpful.

These are challenging times for everyone, and I understand that you will have family and friends across the world who will be facing their own challenges and whom you will be missing. I hope that all your loved ones are well and safe, and as Scotland’s Minister for Further Education, Higher Education and Science, I would like to assure both you and them that Scotland’s government and politicians are aware of your situation, and we will continue to do what we can to support you during this period.

Stay safe, make sure you regularly check the available Covid 19 guidance for the most up to date information, and please take care of yourselves."

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