Summer Programs and Activities Will Be Remote: Coronavirus/COVID-19 Updates
April 30, 2020

Summer Programs and Activities Will Be Remote

Dear members of the Northwestern community,

We would like to thank you for how well you have made the transition to remote learning for spring. We realize this has not been easy, but the health and well-being of our students, faculty and staff remain our highest priority. With this in mind, and in anticipation of continued limitations on travel and gatherings as we enter the summer months, Northwestern has decided that summer programs and activities scheduled to begin in-person on or before July 12 will now be offered remotely for the duration of the summer. This includes events, academic programs (together with all undergraduate classes) and camps. Other changes for the summer include the following:

University-sponsored off-campus activities for Northwestern students that take place during this time frame will also operate remotely.

Programs and activities that cannot transition to remote delivery during this period should be postponed or cancelled.

Programs for pre-college populations that include minors may not offer in-person programming at any point before September 13, 2020.

Academic programs requiring significant in-person clinical instruction related to external accreditation and licensure may be granted exceptions. Research, clinical operations and work deemed essential under the state stay at home order will be considered exceptions.

Decisions about late summer graduate and fall pre-enrollment programs that begin after July 12 will be communicated well in advance of the start of those programs.

Summer Quarter Grading and Registration

We know there are questions about grading and registration for the Summer Quarter as well. Northwestern will return to standard grading practices in the Summer, with the option for Pass/No Pass grading determined at the level of the individual course. The deadline to elect Pass/No Pass grading will be extended, as it was in the Spring.

Up-to-date information about Summer Quarter registration can be found on the Office of the Registrar website. Summer class offerings will be visible in CAESAR by May 11.

Summer Travel

Northwestern continues to monitor travel recommendations in alignment with state and federal public health official guidance. Therefore, in addition to the previously announced cancellation of Summer 2020 credit-bearing undergraduate study abroad programs, Northwestern is restricting all University-sponsored international travel through July 12. University-sponsored international student travel will be cancelled through August 2020.

Travel restrictions may be adjusted depending on how the situation evolves around us. No travel occurring on or prior to July 12 should be organized, planned or booked at this time.

Looking Ahead

We know this announcement, on the heels of moving Commencement to a remote ceremony with an in-person event to happen next year, may be disappointing; however, our top priorities remain the well-being of our community and our core mission of teaching, learning and research. We assure you that we make these choices with the interests of our University community at heart and with all the concern, clarity and caution we can bring to them. Remote offerings enable us to continue to teach, learn and carry out important research. Please visit our remote teaching and learning page for guidance and resources, and visit Northwestern’s COVID-19 website for the latest University updates, resources, guidance and FAQs.

Thank you for your resilience, your help and your partnership as we work together. We will move forward in innovative and modified ways and continue doing our best work.

Kathleen Hagerty

Interim Provost and Professor

Julie Payne-Kirchmeier

Vice President for Student Affairs

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