Update on proctoring and final examinations
April 23, 2020

Paul Alivisatos, executive vice chancellor and provost; Oliver O’Reilly, chair of the Berkeley division of the academic senate; and Catherine Koshland, vice chancellor for undergraduate education; sent the following message to the campus community on Wednesday.

In response to concerns about proctoring of examinations under shelter-in-place orders and academic misconduct, the Provost convened a working group at the beginning of April. The 21 members of the working group, consisting of faculty and staff from a wide range of disciplines, were charged with examining strategies for remote exams, developing principles for procuring remote proctoring services, and assessing products for our campus.

The working group completed their report on Monday: Guidance and Recommendations for Instructors and Students on Proctoring and Final Examinations. These guidelines and recommendations are posted on the Academic Senate website as well as the Instructional Resilience website. The report complements the existing guidance on Best Practices for Remote Exams.

We strongly encourage instructors and students to read the report, and hope that these guidelines and recommendations will help you prepare for a successful final examination period and the end of the academic year.

Our thanks to the members of the working group for the thoughtful and diligent work that they performed on a very tight schedule. Their efforts are another example of the many that we have witnessed in the past few months of the community coming together to help our campus. We wish you every success in the coming weeks and hope that you and your loved ones are safe and well.

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