Update on Remote Work at USF
April 20, 2020

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, USF has followed San Francisco’s shelter-in-place order (currently in effect through at least May 4), and most faculty and staff at the university are working remotely.

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, USF has followed San Francisco’s shelter-in-place order (currently in effect through at least May 4), and most faculty and staff at the university are working remotely. Any essential personnel who are on campus are complying with CDC, state, and city guidance around social distancing and safety precautions and will continue to do so.

Friday’s announcement by San Francisco Mayor London Breed and local health officials that Bay Area residents will be required to wear face coverings in public (with enforcement beginning Wednesday, April 22) may be followed by additional steps to ease some restrictions on social and commercial life in the coming weeks.

At USF, we are committed to continuing this semester’s remote course offerings and remote services for students through the end of the academic year. We are also committed to offering all summer courses remotely.

With so much taking place remotely, and in order to carefully plan and be aligned with city and state direction, USF supports faculty and staff continuing to work remotely through July.

We are continuing to monitor the situation and will act on guidance from public health officials. I will continue to update you, especially if there is an easing of restrictions and more USF employees are able to return to work on campus.

Thank you to all members of our community who are working with flexibility, creativity, and generosity under these extraordinary circumstances.


President Fitzgerald

Paul J. Fitzgerald, S.J.

Monday, Apr 20

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