COVID-19 Community Update
April 17, 2020

The Emergency Operations Committee (EOC) and University leadership remain grateful for the support and cooperation of the Pepperdine community as the University responds to the evolving COVID-19 pandemic. The EOC will continue to monitor the pandemic and its potential impact on University operations and the health and safety of the community. As new developments arise, the EOC will provide guidance and recommended actions that are responsive to rapidly changing circumstances due to COVID-19.

Safer at Home Order Compliance

Community members are encouraged to continue complying with the Los Angeles County Public Health Safer at Home Order, which is in effect through May 15. In compliance with the order, the University has implemented a Social Distancing Protocol (which largely formalizes the measures the University has already implemented) and a Face Covering Protocol requiring University critical support personnel interacting with others to wear face coverings. Additionally, campus homeowners and critical support personnel are advised to wear their face covering prior to checking in at campus entrance booths as outlined in the county order.

All faculty and staff should continue to work remotely when possible. Faculty and staff may access campuses to facilitate remote distance learning or perform essential functions if that work cannot be accomplished remotely. Supervisors should ensure the minimum number of Critical Support Personnel are reporting to work to maintain essential University operations.

Seaver College International Programs Update

Seaver College announced the suspension of the international programs planned for summer, including those in London and Fiji. This suspends all Seaver College summer international programs for 2020. This decision was made based on all information available to the University, including the spread of COVID-19, travel warnings from national and international organizations, commercial flight availability, academic programming needs, feedback from program directors and other personnel responsible for leading these programs, and our care for the student experience.

President’s Briefings

President Gash is holding weekly online President’s Briefings for faculty, staff, and students each Monday at 9 AM while the University maintains modified operations due to COVID-19. Live and archived viewing for each briefing are available on the President’s Briefing website.

The University will continue to keep the community informed on COVID-19 developments as new information becomes available. The latest updates can be found on the University’s COVID-19 website and Emergency Information Page.

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