Examinations, Assessments, Progression and Awarding
April 23, 2020

Any student concerned about the impact of the Coronavirus outbreak on their ability to perform may ask to defer all of their remaining assessments for this academic year until either the next assessment window (August 2020) or to next academic year (May 2021). No evidence will be required to support either request.

Students who successfully pass their required assessments this summer (either in May or August 2020), will be able to progress to the award (if they are a finalist or Masters student), or progress to the next stage of their degree (if they are a non-finalist), in time for the commencement of the 2020-21 academic year. Students who defer their assessments until the next academic year (May 2021) will not be able start their next stage in the 2020-21 academic year.

We would urge you to consider carefully before applying for a deferral, especially when opting to defer until the next academic year, and to talk any such decision through with academic tutors and your family and friends. You can also seek support from the advice teams in the Students’ Guild (Exeter) and Students’ Union (Cornwall).
In order to allow you to think this through carefully and in the light of what happens over the next few weeks, you have until Friday 1st May to make a request to defer all of your remaining assessments.

To request a deferral please see the information on these pages. From Monday 6th April the application form for deferral will also be available on these pages.

Students may request a deferral for one or more assessments after 1st May using the current standard mitigation form where short-lived circumstances impact on your ability to complete some assessments. No evidence will be required. Any student can apply for mitigation or deferral should you experience technical issues or IT failure during an examination. Requests must be received either before the examination or within 24 hours of sitting.

If by August 2020 your circumstances are still unfavourable you can request a further deferral to next year, May 2021.

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