COVID-19 campus update: Ensuring an equitable work environment and reminder about pass/fail options for students
April 17, 2020

A message from Human Resources

While many of us are operating remotely and juggling personal health and safety concerns, we want to remind the University of Iowa’s supervisors to work with employees who would like to use their accrued leave. It’s also critical that we continue to provide an environment in which employees can bring forward their concerns.

The university’s rules and procedures remain in effect even while we’re working remotely. Our anti-retaliation policy protects anyone who makes a good-faith report of misconduct, including reports about potential policy violations. This protection applies no matter the outcome of the underlying complaint.

Retaliation includes actions that affect the reporting party’s terms and conditions of employment, including their work environment. Retaliation could be committed by a supervisor directly (e.g., giving a lower/no raise, changing work hours, not giving someone a promotion when it’s deserved, termination, etc.) or could occur if the supervisor knowingly allows detrimental behaviors by co-workers/peers to go unchecked (e.g., exclusion from regular workplace conversations or failing to provide data/information necessary to the employee’s work).

Retaliation triggers a separate complaint/investigation process. If retaliation is found to have occurred, the person who retaliated may be disciplined.

It’s impossible to improve the UI’s processes and work environments if we don’t know the issues and obstacles our employees face. Anti-retaliation protection is an essential part of a productive workplace, and the university is committed to upholding its protective policies during this critical time.

In January, University Human Resources launched the Supervisor Training@Iowa program, which establishes a commonly shared knowledge of best practices, strengthens skills, and promotes consistent and equitable employment practices for everyone’s benefit, including reminders to supervisors regarding retaliation. While working remotely, supervisors can choose from online training or in-person training currently conducted virtually, or successfully completing online assessments to test out of three of four required sessions. As time permits, it is important to begin this training now to ensure required completion by December 2020.

Workplace culture is more important than ever during this difficult period and it’s up to all of us to maintain excellence and fairness at the same time. It is not easy to balance but I am confident we can do it together.


Cheryl Reardon, chief human resources officer and associate vice president

Reminder: Spring 2020 grading options

MyUI is now open for students to opt in to pass/nonpass grading

As of April 20, students interested in the P/N or S/U option are able to opt in through MyUI. Students have until May 8 to make their choice for each of their courses.

Undergraduate programs: A temporary Pass/Nonpass (P/N) grading option has been adopted for all undergraduate students in courses taught during spring 2020 semester.

Graduate programs: A temporary Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) grading option has been adopted for graduate students in courses taught during spring 2020 semester.

Professional programs: Colleges will communicate with their professional program students regarding grading option policies.

Items for all students to consider:

A grade of C- or greater will translate to a P or S grade.

Any grade lower than a C- will translate to N or U, and no credit will be awarded.

Neither the P/S nor the N/U will affect a student’s grade point average.

This option is available for full semester-length courses and other courses ending April 24 or later.

Students may find it helpful to wait until they have completed more graded work and exams before making a decision.

Students should talk with their academic adviser to discuss their options and situation. Advisers from across campus have pulled together information for students to consider when deciding whether to choose Pass/Nonpass grading. Please find the basics below or more detailed information here.

Please find more detailed information on the Office of the Registrar webpage. Students are encouraged to check their college’s website for grading information specific to the college and/or program.

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