Follow Up on Commencement for Class of 2020 Graduates and Families
April 17, 2020

We hope you and your family are managing well in these challenging times. We are writing to follow up on the March 31 letter that announced the university’s decision to postpone Commencement 2020 ceremonies, given the COVID-19 pandemic. We appreciate your understanding and flexibility, as well as the many messages of support we’ve received.

In that prior letter, we asked for your thoughts and preferences regarding alternative options for celebrating Commencement. We are delighted to say we received more than 525 survey responses that are now helping us plan how best to celebrate you and your accomplishments. Of note, you told us:

What makes Commencement most special to you:

Having family and friends at WPI for the ceremony

Seeing classmates and other WPI students

Being on the WPI campus

Receiving your diploma/hearing your name and those of your peers announced

Crossing Earle Bridge

We heard you, and we remain committed to holding an in-person Commencement ceremony for the Class of 2020 when it is safe to do so. While we do not yet know when that may be, we want to solicit your input on timing via a second survey. The survey will be open until 5 pm EDT on April 22.

As noted previously, degrees will be awarded in May, at which time you will be a WPI graduate. We anticipate your diploma will be mailed in June. The Registrar’s Office will follow up to confirm your address.

Thank you for your continued flexibility, positive perspective, and ideas as we continue to adjust to these new challenges placed before us. We look forward to planning a Commencement worthy of your achievements.

Please take care of yourselves, your classmates, and your family members.

Laurie Leshin, President

Katherine Handy ’20, Chair of Senior Class Board

Kranti Gunale ‘20, Graduate Student Government

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