Important Update on Summer Programs
April 17, 2020

Summer is coming, and so are some important changes. Of course, COVID-19 has made this an uncertain time for everyone, and the university is no exception. To ensure that WPI is able to deliver our outstanding educational experience in this new world where social distance is such a critical factor to our collective health and well-being, we needed to make some important changes now. Our goal is to provide faculty, staff and students with time to prepare, make any necessary adjustments, and/or provide feedback.

As of now: All E-Term courses will move to a remote learning format. This shift will allow us to add even more courses than the original E-Term schedule. The current schedule can be found on the summer courses website. Anyone with questions can email

There are significant changes to our (K-12) Summer STEM Residential Programs: Frontiers & Frontiers-For-Credit: The current format of the programs are canceled. High school students who were accepted will be directed to the new online format of Frontiers For Credit. This program will refer them to enroll in an E2 class, which will include such “wrap around services” as academic support, study groups, leadership and career exploration workshops, admissions sessions, and community building activities. Accordingly, Pre-collegiate Outreach Programs will not directly hire any faculty for this year’s program. However, any faculty who are interested in teaching in E-term are encouraged to contact Launch: This program will shift to a virtual format in August. If you were scheduled to instruct for Launch, please confirm whether or not you will participate in the virtual program. Camp Reach: This program is canceled.

Summer STEM Day Programs and Sports Camps: Spark & Ignite: The programs are canceled. With the exception of Swimming, which will become a virtual program, all Summer Sports Camps are canceled. PLEASE NOTE: Our hope is to develop alternative K-12 STEM programs for the late summer or fall. We will keep you apprised of any new offerings that are developed.

Thanks for your patience and your support as we continue to work through these details.


Sue Sontgerath, Director of Pre-collegiate Outreach Programs​​​​​​

Art Heinricher, Dean of Undergraduate Studies

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