4.21.20: Virtual Celebration for Graduates - Sunday, May 17, 2020
April 21, 2020

Dear Members of Our Lehigh Community and Lehigh Families,

I hope this email finds you and your families well as we approach the conclusion of the academic year.

In honor of all graduating students, we have scheduled the date for a virtual celebration to be held Sunday, May 17, at 1:00 p.m. EDT. The program will be recorded and made available for those watching in different time zones.

While this event does not replace Commencement and the in-person ceremony, which will be rescheduled, this virtual program serves to celebrate our students’ academic journey and to mark the conferring of degrees.

To our graduates—this has been a unique semester, and certainly a memorable final year at Lehigh. I cannot say too often how proud I am of your persistence and positive attitude in light of these challenging circumstances.

While I’m sure it will feel unusual for all of us to be separated during such a joyful occasion, I hope our virtual coming together will serve as a symbolic moment for you to conclude the year, even as we all look forward to celebrating together in person soon. I am sure I speak on behalf of our faculty and the entire community when I say that your hard work deserves special tribute, and we are all looking forward to commending your great accomplishment.

I encourage the Lehigh community and families to submit congratulatory messages to the Class of 2020 in advance, which will be shared online. Graduating students will also be invited to share photos and professional updates.

More details, including the link to join, will follow and will also be posted on the Commencement website. For now, please save the date. We hope you will be able to join us for this special event!


John D. Simon ’19P


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