Planning for the Fall Term | Coronavirus Information
April 20, 2020

We’re looking forward to welcoming you to the University of Waterloo this Fall. We hope we can welcome you to campus in person in September, but we will only do so if it’s safe to do so.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, we remain committed to delivering an outstanding Fall Term, no matter where you are. Our teams are working on plans for an excellent Fall semester that includes academically challenging courses and hands on learning to help you achieve your educational goals.

While we are unsure at this time what the delivery of this programming will be in the Fall, it will not change the high standard and commitment we will make to your education. We’ll also make sure that you get the opportunity to build relationships with classmates and faculty members – whether it is in person, or from a distance.

If we can’t open our campus you can be confident that Waterloo knows what it is doing in distance learning. We were a pioneer in online learning in the 1990s and we’ve already learned more about how to create quality experiences online since the COVID-19 reality.

We are getting input from all levels of government to track and respond to the pandemic. We will update you in the coming weeks with more information on whether the Fall Term will proceed on campus or through remote delivery.

For the most current information, please keep up-to-date on our COVID-19 website.

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