Student Performance Letters
April 21, 2020

Posted: April 21, 9:00 a.m.

At General Faculties Council on April 20, 2020, two motions were passed regarding student performance letter templates. The first motion approves the development of a downloadable letter that will be made available to all students and instructors from the Vice-Provost and Registrar explaining the change in grading to CR/NCR for Winter 2020.

The second motion supports the provision of guidance resources that can be used by instructors should they choose to comment on student performance in the Winter 2020 term in a letter of reference. Information provided by an instructor could be useful to applications to competitive programs. Grades and relative performance for the Winter 2020 term will not be used by the University of Alberta for any admissions decisions.

Based on these motions, we have made updates to the following pages on this site:

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