University of Alberta Fall 2020 Planning
April 17, 2020

Many unknowns still exist globally and locally when it comes to COVID-19 and what lies ahead. While public health authorities have not indicated any definitive timelines for current prevention measures and restrictions affecting our community, university planners can still plan ahead with flexibility using the informed advice of public health, pandemic, and emergency management experts.

The University of Alberta has established a Fall 2020 Planning Group of a steering committee and six sub-groups to oversee planning for the Fall 2020 Academic Term. Their planning activities will be guided by a set of principles, three main and adaptable scenarios according to the various prevention measures and restrictions, and three key goals:

To provide the best possible learning experience for our students.

To maximize research activities throughout the pandemic.

To continue to use this period to propel innovation, efficiency, and relevance in our research, our work, and our classrooms as a leading global research university.

See the University of Alberta Fall Semester Scenario Planning document for additional details.

The vision, principles, planning assumptions and three adaptable planning scenarios of the Fall 2020 Planning Group were approved by the President’s Executive Committee on April 16 and presented to the General Faculties Council on April 20.


The Fall 2020 Planning Group will develop a unified plan according to three guiding scenarios to address all functions and operations necessary for the university to fulfil its mission as of the Fall 2020 Academic Term.

Next Steps

April - May: Planning and consultation

June: University leadership review and governance approval of Fall 2020 unified plan

July: Implementation begins based on preventative measures as of July 1, 2020

Fall 2020 Oversight Committee

The Fall 2020 Oversight Committee is composed of leaders from across administrative units and faculties.

Committee Membership Andrew Sharman, Vice-President, Facilities and Operations, and Executive Lead, U of A COVID-19 Response (Chair)

James Allen, Associate Vice-President, Operations and Maintenance

Marj Cayford, Senior HR Partner, Human Resource Services

Andre Costopoulos, Vice-Provost and Dean of Students

Martin Coutts, Associate Vice-President, Finance and Supply Management Services

Walter Dixon, Associate Vice-President, Research, Research and Innovation

Jillian Hamilton, Strategic Communications and Issues Manager, University Relations

Katherine Huising, Associate Vice-President, Ancillary Services

Andrew Leitch, Director, Enterprise Risk Management Programs

Mike MacGregor, Vice-Provost & Associate Vice-President, Information Services & Technology

Brooke Milne, Vice-Provost and Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies & Research

Rob Murno, Director, Environment, Health & Safety, Risk Management Services

Melissa Padfield, Vice-Provost & University Registrar

Steve Patten, Associate Dean, Research, Faculty of Arts

Wayne Patterson, Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President, Human Resources

Wendy Rodgers, Deputy Provost

Chad Schulz, Director, Financial Services

Andrea Smith, Senior Administrative Officer, University Relations

Philip Stack, Associate Vice-President, Risk Management Services

Fred West, Professor, Faculty of Science


Six sub-groups have been formed by the Fall 2020 Planning Oversight Committee to tackle planning and provide guidance on six overarching areas on behalf of the university. Below are the sub-groups and their chairs.

Academic Impact Group Melissa Padfield, Office of the Registrar (Chair)

Allen Ball, Faculty of Arts

Maryam Bagheritari, Faculty Relations

Anne Bailey, University Relations, Strategic Communications

Bryan Braul, Faculty of Extension

Jason Carey, Faculty of Engineering

Gerda DeVries, Faculty of Science

Shana Dion, Dean of Students, Student Services

Wendy Doughty, Dean of Students, Student Services

Edith Finczak, Office of the Provost

Tammy Hopper, General Faculties Council, Academic Standards Committee

Jeff Johnson, School of Public Health

Kerrie Johnston, Faculty of Science

Mike MacGregor, Information Services & Technology

Janice Miller-Young, Centre for Teaching and Learning

Brooke Milne, Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research

Karsten Mundel, Augustana

Rebecca Nagel, Faculty of Arts

John Nychka, General Faculties Council, Committee on the Learning Environment

Jeff Rawlings, Information Services & Technology

Christy Raymond, Faculty of Nursing

Weiwei Shi, Libraries and Museums

Helen Vallianatos, Dean of Students, Student Services

Doug Weir, University of Alberta International

Communications Working Group Andrea Smith, University Relations (Co-Chair)

Jillian Hamilton, University Relations, Crisis Management Team Communications (Co-Chair)

Anne Bailey, University Relations, Strategic Communications

Laurie Wang, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine

Rob Desjardins, Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research

Sheila Graham, Faculty of Arts

Michelle Hagen, University Relations, Social Media

Brittany Hurlburt, Facilities & Operations

Julia Jones-Bourque, University of Alberta International

Alexis Ksiazkiewicz, University Relations, Government and Community Relations

Tia Lalani, Augustana

Jocelyn Love, Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation

Jennifer-Anne Pascoe, Faculty of Science

Tim Schneider, University Relations, Digital

Jaylene Ulmer, Office of the Registrar Faculty and Staff Working Group Marj Cayford, Human Resource Services (Chair)

Stacey Brennan, Faculty of Arts

Kendra Brunt, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Bryan Hogeveen, Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research

Katherine Huising, Facilities & Operations, Ancillary Services

Brian Pearson, Faculty Relations

Andrea Smith, University Relations

Aneta Thompson, Faculty of Engineering

Demetres Tryphonopoulos, Augustana Campus

Jeremy Wilhelm, Human Resource Services

Crystal Wood, Human Resource Services Finance and Resource Working Group Martin Coutts, Financial Services & Supply Management (Co-chair)

Chad Schulz, Financial Services, Integrated Finance & Resource Planning (Co-Chair)

Stephen Edge, Financial Services, Resource Planning

Edith Finczak, Office of the Provost

Amy Gong, Financial Services, Resource Planning

Sara Horseman, Financial Services, Resource Planning

Kyle Shukaliak, Financial Services, Resource Planning

Andrea Smith, University Relations

All Senior Financial Officers, as required (Finance Management Committee) Infrastructure and Operations Working Group James Allen, Facilities and Operations, Operations and Maintenance (Co-Chair)

Katherine Huising, Facilities and Operations, Ancillary Service (Co-Chair)

Dale Askey, Libraries and Museums

Lorna Baker-Perri, Facilities and Operations, Space Management

John Benson, Facilities and Operations, Building Services

Laura Boisvert, Faculty of Education

Tam Connelly, Facilities and Operations, Augustana

Rick Fix, Information Services & Technology

Cheryl Harwardt, Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation

Jennifer Hibbert Faculty of Arts

Brittany Hurlburt, Facilities and Operations, Communications

Alana Krahn, Students’ Union

Dolores March, Facilities and Operations, Ancillary Services

Kim Misfeldt, Augustana

Craig Moore, Facilities and Operations, Real Estate

Andrew Ng, Facilities and Operations, Strategic Portfolio Services

Jon O’Hara, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry

Rob Pawliuk, Facilities and Operations, Operations and Maintenance

Geoff Rode, Facilities and Operations, Ancillary Services

Tobie Smith, Faculty of Science

Christian Tremblay, Campus Saint-Jean

Marc Waddingham, Graduate Students' Association

Kevin Watts, Information Services & Technology

Todd Werre, Facilities and Operations, Project Management Research Impact Group Walter Dixon , Research and Innovation (Co-Chair)

(Co-Chair) Rob Munro , Environment, Health and Safety, Crisis Management Team (Co-Chair)

(Co-Chair) Declan Ali, Faculty of Science

Dale Askey, Libraries and Museums

Susan Babcock, Research Ethics Office

Katherine Binhammer, Faculty of Arts

David Bressler, Agricultural Life and Environmental Sciences

Scott Delinger, Information Services & Technology

Nadir Erbilgin, Field Research Office

Jillian Hamilton, University Relations, Crisis Management Team Communications

Keith Hollands, Facilities and Operations, Engineering & Technical Services

Richard Lehner, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry

Andre McDonald, Faculty of Engineering

Sharon Murphy, Libraries and Museums

Tracy Raivio, Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research

Michelle Rooker, Environment, Health and Safety

Mara Simmonds, Research and Innovation, Communications

Michael Walesiak, Research and Innovation, Finance & Administration

Craig Wilkinson, Research Ethics Office, University Veterinarian

Planning for your unit, team or class

Adjustments to your current Fall 2020 planning should be made in consultation with your unit’s leadership team. They are connected to this planning process and will be able to ensure any concerns or considerations you have are brought forward to the appropriate planning group in a timely manner. Many thanks in advance for your patience.


Should you have any concerns or questions about Fall 2020 planning, please first touch base with your supervisor, dean, director or chair as they will best be able to address any inquiries specific to your team or situation.

General questions about University of Alberta Fall 2020 planning can be sent to

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