COVID-19 Information
April 17, 2020

During the global COVID-19 pandemic the University of Alberta community has quickly adapted to extraordinary change and challenges within our everyday work, research, and study environments. Our multifaceted response has included creatively mobilizing teams and resources to quickly move the majority of our academic and research activities off-campus while health measures prevent in-person classes and groups. Our community is also contributing to response efforts across Alberta, Canada, and the globe — not only through essential research, but also through essential community response resources. It has been and continues to be both a demanding and rewarding time for the U of A as we plan for many continued unknowns in the months ahead.

Please take the opportunity to learn more about the structure and scope of the U of A’s response to COVID-19 below.

We ask University of Alberta community members to stay up-to-date on essential COVID-19 university information by regularly checking the updates section of this site.

Governance during a state of emergency

Public authorities and the prioritization of public health and safety guides all Canadian responses and activities during a state of an emergency, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. For the University of Alberta community this means closely following all public health orders, states of emergency and preventative measures outlined by the Government of Canada, Government of Alberta, and cities of Edmonton and Camrose, or any local officials for community members working or studying abroad.

Within our community, our university governance and administration structures remain unchanged. The University of Alberta is a complex community. We operate on all seven continents and employ a wide variety of processes, materials, and equipment. During a state of emergency, the university is supported by emergency policies and procedures to ensure the university can quickly plan for, respond to, and recover from all types of emergencies. Our emergency policies and procedures prioritize the health and safety of university community members and minimizing any possible negative environmental impacts to our community.

Managing a State of Emergency

On March 13, 2020, the U of A’s full Crisis Management Team was activated and the university officially cancelled classes and urgently moved to remote delivery the next day. The Crisis Management Team is a university-wide body. It includes the Public Health Response Team among administrators, the senior policy group, and various subject matter experts and community and unit representatives from across the University. The Crisis Management Team will remain in operation at least as long as we are under city and provincial states of emergency.

The core Crisis Management Team remains largely focused on urgent operational needs and problem-solving for the institution. To support required university leadership, administration, and governance change management decisions brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Crisis Management Team aids by forming temporary advising and working groups from across the university — such as an Academic Impact Group and a Research Impact Group.

University units, offices, and campuses can also have crisis or emergency management teams to manage needs specific to their individual teams or units and as outlined in their unit action or continuity plans.


The University of Alberta has a number of groups that are ready to respond and make decisions in an emergency. These groups were mobilized in March to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Crisis Management Team (CMT) The primary resource for managing and coordinating the university's response to a major emergency. It is made up of administrators and subject matter experts from across the university. Emergency Operation Centre (EOC) The physical room where the Crisis Management Team would typically meet in an emergency. Currently, like the rest of our teams, the Crisis Management Team is meeting virtually. Public Health Response Team (PHRT) A subgroup of the Crisis Management Team, this group is co-chaired by the Associate Vice-President of Risk Management Services and the Assistant Dean, Health & Wellness. This group is formed in the event of a public health emergency that threatens the university community and can be adjusted quickly based on the breadth and complexity of the health emergency. Emergency Management Office (OEM) An administrative team within Risk Management Services that supports the Crisis Management Team during an emergency. The team also supports university planners through operational continuity planning for emergency response and recovery.

What we can expect for Fall

With the majority of immediate needs and spring/summer semester planning complete, the University of Alberta is turning its attention towards planning for potential work, research and study impacts for the fall and winter academic year. While there are still many unknowns and public health measures in place globally and locally, university planners can still look ahead at possible adjustments we can and should make for the upcoming school year based on informed advice from public health, pandemic and emergency planning experts.

The University of Alberta has struck a steering committee and six sub-groups to oversee planning for the 2020-21 Fall 2020 Academic Term. Their planning activities will be guided by a set of principles and three key goals:

To provide the best possible learning experience for our students. To maximize research activities throughout the pandemic. To continue to use this period to propel innovation, efficiency, and relevance in our research, our work, and our classrooms as a leading global research university.

Learn more about Fall 2020 Planning, the steering committee and sub-groups here.

Response Timeline

31 Dec 2019 China reported a cluster of cases of pneumonia in Wuhan, Hubei Province 22 Jan 2020 World Health Organization to China issued a statement saying that there was evidence of human-to-human transmission 23 Jan 2020 U of A Public Health Response Team activated 5 Mar 2020 Government of Alberta confirms first presumptive case in province 7 Mar 2020 U of A issues travel directive and restrictions 11 Mar 2020 World Health Organization declared the pneumonia outbreak of COVID-19 a pandemic 12 Mar 2020 Government of Alberta activated agressive new measures, including suspending 250+ mass gatherings 13 Mar 2020 U of A suspended in-person classes and exams; full U of A Crisis Management Team activated 14 Mar 2020 U of A announced move to remote learning 15 Mar 2020 Government of Alberta declared prohibition of student attendance at schools, cancels all in-person post-secondary classes, and closed daycare facilities. (Alberta Chief Medical Officer of Health Order, March 16, 2020) 17 Mar 2020 U of A remote class and exam delivery began; Government of Alberta entered a state of emergency 20 Mar 2020 City of Edmonton entered a local state of emergency 22 Mar 2020 Remaining U of A non-essential research and non-critical operations on campus moved to remote work 25 Mar 2020 City of Camrose entered a local state of emergency 27 Mar 2020 Government of Alberta starts regulating essential services and non-essential work in the province

An active partner in the global fight against COVID-19

The University of Alberta, our researchers, and our critical resources are on the front lines with partners in Alberta, across Canada and around the world.

Our university experts are seeking faster ways to detect the virus, racing to develop a vaccine and treatments, and preparing for economic recovery. Our researchers are also sharing their expertise to help people cope with this public health crisis, from having children at home and keeping them safe, happy and healthy, to working from home, adapting to physical distancing and dealing with the mental health consequences of isolation. Hear more about what our experts are doing on our currently featured COVID-19 response News site.

At home on our campuses, various U of A teams are also directly supporting COVID-19 response needs in our greater community. A group in Chemistry has been producing hand sanitizer, medical students have been arranging childcare for front-line responders, and the Universiade Pavilion has transformed into a secondary AHS assessment and treatment centre facility.

The University of Alberta is proud to contribute to Alberta’s and Canada’s growing response to fight the spread of COVID-19 and to mitigate any longer term impacts of the virus. We are plugged into various response and benefits efforts affecting our community, working alongside government, our industry partners, our fellow post-secondaries within the province and across the country.


Should you have any concerns or questions about crisis and emergency management within your team or unit, please first touch base with your supervisor, dean, director or chair as they will best be able to address any inquiries specific to your team or situation.

General questions and requests regarding University of Alberta crisis and emergency management and our COVID-19 response can be sent to

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