Update to Spring 2020 Special Grading Policy and Summer Sessions
April 09, 2020

As we conclude the third week of remote learning, I would like to address matters of interest to our students regarding the spring 2020 semester and summer sessions. Please know that your feedback is taken into account in our university discussions and deliberations. The decisions and changes outlined below were made based on input from students and faculty in collaboration with senior university administrators and the Faculty Senate, as follows:

  1. As with the remainder of this semester, we have made a decision to hold all summer classes online. The experience we are gaining now will enable us to continue to strengthen the delivery of material and the quality of interactions.

The Special Final Grading Policy (https://www5.njit.edu/provost/sites/provost/files/Special%20Final%20Grading%20Policy%20Provisions%20for%20Spring%202020.pdf) as shared below on March 24 will be replace by the following four clauses (2a through 2d):

  1. (Item 2 under GPA and Graduation Requirements) (https://www5.njit.edu/provost/sites/provost/files/Special%20Final%20Grading%20Policy%20Provisions%20for%20Spring%202020.pdf): “For students to earn a distinction such as Presidential Medal or Dean’s List, they must have all their actual grades on the transcript. Presence of a P will automatically disqualify the student for an academic distinction. The disqualification for the Dean’s List is for Spring 2020 only.”

This statement is being substituted by the following:

2a. Semester GPAs will be calculated and temporarily recorded before grade changes to special letters (Pass/Fail) take place. Students who, based on their actual semester GPA, meet all criteria of the current policy will go on the Dean’s List. The designation of Dean’s List will stay on the transcript even after grades have been converted and GPAs recalculated based on the courses students opt to have shown with special letter (Pass/Fail) designation.

2b. For students graduating in May 2020, there will be a temporary calculation of the semester and cumulative GPA. Based on the cumulative GPA and following current policies, students will earn the Latin distinction award (cum laude, etc.). The honor will stay on the transcript even after students opt to have some (or all) of their grades converted to the special designations (Pass/Fail) which will lead to a recalculation of semester and cumulative GPA.

2c. For students to be awarded the Presidential Medal, they must have all their actual grades listed on their transcript; as per current policy, an A must be earned in all courses.

2d. For students who are not graduating in May 2020, Latin honors decisions will be made after their final semester with Spring 2020 grades treated as they were for students graduating in Spring 2020.

  1. We will revert to the previous academic calendar format regarding the deadline to add courses. Specifically, the last day to add a course is the last day of the first week of classes for the fall and spring semesters. The change is necessary to ensure that students are able to catch up with course work already in progress without any adverse impact on their performance.

Please reach out to your academic advisors with any remaining questions you have.

As the world prepares to celebrate important religious holidays, I remind you to look outside your window. With spring comes hope and a sense of renewal. Together we will overcome the challenges of this pandemic. In the meantime, I wish you and your families blessings of peace, joy, and health.

Thank you, Fadi

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